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Nectar Boosting

heart chakra nectar

Nectar - what a beautiful word of high vibration!

“Nectar is derived from Latin nectar "drink of the gods," which in turn has its origins in the Greek word (néktar),
presumed to be a compound of the elements nek- "death" and -tar "overcoming."
The earliest recorded use of its current meaning, "sweet liquid in flowers", dates back to 1609” (wikipedia)

It’s important to assume a correct posture all the time when boosting (sending high vibrational energy).

Sit crossed legs or in a chair, whatever feels comfortable.
The key here is to keep your head and shoulders lifted.

Maintaining this “integrity posture“, your heart will automatically open up.
If you drop your head or shoulders the heart will drop and your vision will lower,
creating a self centered reality which can lead to paranoia, specially while boosting.

So, IMPORTANT!! Heart center OPEN.

Get into the habit of observing your posture throughout the day:
observe your heart, is your heart open to love and compassion?

Boosting doesn’t work if love is not present in ones heart.

Boosting is also like a mirror reflection.
The energy you send comes back to you, so who wouldn’t open his/her heart while boosting?

After you assumed the correct position, close your eyes and visualize three different people:
one you love, one you don’t like, and one you have a neutral feeling about.

Start with the one you love: could be your child, parent, someone close to you.
Now feel your body filled with the universal nectar of love, “think” loving fluid of compassion.
Fill your heart with the fluid nectar of love.

Touch your heart center gently with your dominant hand and deepen yourself into the nectar of love.

Opening your heart send this nectar of compassion, in waves of love to the one you love so much.
Feel the energetic connection.
Remember the nectar comes back to you whenever you do that. How wonderful!

Next, visualize the one who you might perceive as an “enemy”, someone you personally know,
who bugs you or gives you a hard time.
Bring the nectar energy into your body and heart as you did with the one you love and try to send it to the one you don’t like.

It might be hard, or impossible.
Do it if you are ready, otherwise do not push yourself.
Be kind to yourself and open your heart when you are ready.
You can always send the nectar to your heart or yourself instead.
But if you are ready please do this nectar boosting as you’ll release all negativities.

Next repeat the nectar boosting visualizing someone who is neutral to you,
like a neighbor you meet but don’t share too many words with.
Feel the nectar warming your heart center, while sending the nectar to your neighbor.

Boosting will help you relax, feel good and love yourself as the nectar of love and compassion
returns to you every time you boost.

It will improve if not change for good your relationships.

Enjoy the nectar of love and compassion boosting.


~ Lilly Natures Blessings

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