will never be the same once the healing has touched you
Healing Testimonials...
Check out our orgone Spiritual and Healing jewlery and tools testimonials
"Hi Lilly,
thanks so much for an hour of pure magic! It amazes me how accurate you were, bringing me to tears followed by much needed release of those energies. I feel lighter, brighter and renewed. The message you gave me at the beginning of the session was profound. I will look at it everyday to remind myself that I have the power to guide my destiny!
Blessings, LV
Hi Lilly, I just wanted to tell you that you're a genius. I can't tell you how much I've tried to get my jaw to stop clenching. You instantly knew how important it was to deal with issues with my dad that I didn't even realize I had. My jaw has not been grinding since you worked with me. You're totally off-the-charts talented. I could feel and see you helping me to pull out such deeply rooted gunk from my system. Thank you.
Love, Mike"
When we did our healing session, I didn't feel much. I felt a slight shift in my energy on the day we worked together and noticed drastic changes as the days went by. I had so much more confidence and I was GLOWING. You were right, the energy left was a loving energy towards myself. I felt empowered. For my birthday, I ended up in NYC and had a blast. I don't think I would've had such a fabulous time had I not come to you for a healing session. I have to admit, at the beginning I was a little skeptical but then all of it was replaced with trust afterwards. You are amazing and thank you for sharing your gift w/ me. I truly appreciate everything you did. My back (heart chakra) doesn't feel stuck anymore, my posture is better. Thank you!! -Geeta"
The healing session I had with you last week was definitely beneficial for me. Afterwards I felt like I wasn't carrying a massive emotional burden anymore and even my elbow improved massively.
Thank you again for the wonderful healing session! I look forward to more in the future.
Love, Leah
"Dearest Lilly,
Thank you again so much for your healing.
Yesterday, it was so interesting that I was able to be around the lady in question and I felt completely different!!!
Her energy field looked much better too! Actually saw light radiating around her! Last night, I thought I was coming down with a flu (sore throat, low energy sort of feeling), but woke up this morning feeling pretty good.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
You are an authentic gift from God and I am so grateful for having you as a resource. Take care of YOURSELF too!
I love you, Tina"
After the 4th healing session --
"Suddenly, EFT is starting to work. Old memories are surfacing and I am now able to tune into the energy disturbances and tap them out" ~ M
Hi Lilly!
We haven't worked together in about a year (since the xxxx nightmare!). Thankfully, all is well in my home again and I am doing
great. The work we did last year worked tremendously well for me to finally "walk away" and feel
unhooked.." ~ Kathleen. C.
A lot has cleared in the last month.
You were right about all this grounding stuff. I have always ignored my root chakra. However, I have also always had this deep feeling of victimhood (for many lifetimes). Now that it is lifting, it is almost like a good friend is leaving me. Anyway, a new animal totem has appeared. Thanks again." M.S.
I took a shower right after our session. Before getting into the shower, I saw myself in the mirror, and I was struck by how beautiful and radiant my face looked.
The rest of that day, I felt very "sedated." While blissful in many respects, I wondered whether I would be able to focus when I had to give an important guest lecture in a large class a few hours later. Although I felt a bit disoriented going into the class, while presenting, I felt as if I transcended any "wooziness" and instead felt a clarity and connection with all in the room. The instructors praised me later for what a great job I did. I could tell that they were sincere.
Since our session, I have focused on positive thoughts and affirmations, seeing the beautiful in everything and everyone. I continued to feel calm and blissful. Things have continued to go quite well at work these past few days. Again, there have been some lovely surprises. ~ Karen"
"THANK YOU AGAIN for your help with my clearing session on Monday. The benefits were immediate and I now feel more empowered than ever to heal myself. Thank you for giving me (me giving me) the support, techniques, and confidence that I needed. This was my missing piece for being able to use all of the other techniques I have recently learned (Radical Forgiveness and The Sedona Method) in a more synchronistic way. You are truly an angel in every sense of the word and a gift to all of us “in a hurry” to evolve. :-)
I Love You, Tina
Hi Lilly,
"I just wanted to thank you again for today's session. I had to get to work and later by the time I left, I felt I had several energy blockages crop up. Even though I still felt good overall from the work we did, it seemed concentrated in a few areas. And so I came home, relaxed, and fell asleep. I could feel the energy boiled up and bleed off while I napped. I think what we worked on must have paved the way for that. And now I really do feel MUCH better. So thank you again! :-) ~ Brian"
Dear Lilly,
"The session was something very powerful and beatifull, I feel more "myself", thank you." ~ Paulo L
"Lilly, I had a very interesting experience while going through your website. I was struck by your website, it made me cry and I don’t understand why. I have been looking to work with someone like you.
I don’t know why I cannot stop crying." Jackie
" Choosing
a healer is done on another level and it involves trust. Only those
souls, or guides around us know what we need at that moment and
they will point us to the right person. This is how I found Lilly.
I was looking for something else and “found” her site.
would recommend her to anyone. The reason I would do so, is because
she is tuned into those souls and guides and her skills will allow
her to give you what is needed. Always. You do not have to worry
if this healing will be more than you need or less than you want.
Lilly’s abilities enable her to change your believe systems, reprogram
your thoughts or learned patterns, and clean the harm that was done
by that believe system. She will get to the root of the problem
and you will be rid of the side effects, discomforts and blocks,
website claims you will not be the same after the healing and yes,
Lilly, I am not the same. Thank you for that. Thank
you Lilly, for taking the time for this healing over the phone.
I could not have gotten to you otherwise." Christine Winnemucca
"Thank you, Lovely Lilly! My session with you was so beneficial. Again...so much love for you, Lilly. And, thank you for your guiding light when I soooooo needed it. XOXO
"Dear Lilly,
It is now over one week since we worked together through the Implant Removal session. Removing all the implants and reaching the core of my strange yet unsettling symptoms has truly been a blessing. The entity has gone for ever: it feels like a malignant fog has been cleared and it's so wonderful to finally reconnect with the passion, enthusiasm and sense of direction I once had nearly thirty years ago... change on the horizon for my creativity and style of communication.
The declarations (affirmations) you provided for me have become throughly embedded in my consciousness. I can honestly say I feel as if my lifepath has been placed back on track thanks to last week's session.
Jasmine C"
Thanks so much for your powerful, beautiful energy that you bring to every healing session. I went into the deepest meditation after we got off the phone.
We made some MAJOR progress." ~ Kathleen C
You are so beautiful. Your energy is so pure and sincere like an untainted child's.
How lucky we are to have you on this journey.
thank you namaste blessings
also yea to FCB'S (feet chakra balancers)!!!"
"WHOAAAAAAA!!!!! Thank you! I feel so lucky and grateful. Thank you! You are a true giver and walk your talk.
Thank you. Namaste! Johnny"
Thanks for a great session last night. I don't know that I have ever felt that "high" energetically before. That was something else. ~ Kathleen C
"Lilly I am doing 1000 better. Thank you for the emotional healing!!! Love, Linda"
"Dear Lilly, YES! Everytime I visit your site (even if the tab is just open in another window) then it is so much easier to stay focused on the positive. It's like a pink light emanates from the computer. It's truly wonderful. ~ Megan"
"Hi Lilly,
I just wanted to let you know about the effects of our session on me. I feel just great and very strong. I feel like I can lift the world. At the night of our session before I went to sleep, I asked the Spirit to cancel my karma and guide me to a new blessed way. I saw a very interesting dream where I found myself perfectly speaking with holy beings in a third language which I never heard before. Now I’m waiting with pure joy what will come out of this. And since our session, it is like I need much more air in my belly area. I automatically take deep breaths. And that feels great! Thank you so much for all you have done for us. Love, Axxx"

"The session was very strong, I almost fell of my chair when I received the results the next day, absolutely shocking results!!! Also after the session my psychic guidance improved and I have noticed men wanting to be friends with me, attracted by my energy (not in a sexual way), we get along very well! I love it so far! Things are good, even my boss started to be very nice and good to me. Meditating with the OCB's (orgone chakra balancers) from you I noticed that I am very calm and there is crazy amount of activity in my third eye". ~ K.C.
"okay i will use the feet balancers as you directed. i don't know how you do what you do but i must say you are simply an amazing individual Lilly i am so grateful to have you on this planet. you are definitely here for very important reasons. i cant express in words how much i thank you for doing what you do for me an for human kind... with much unconditional love, M"
Hi Lilly, I just read your newsletter, thank you. I am feeling the energies today as well. Your article was perfect. I had a healing from you 3 years ago and I still believe I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for me going to you, thank you :-) Blessings, TD
"Lilly, I do feel better today so you are correct --- each day seems to be getting better and better! Yahooooooo! What a very strange experience this has been for me. What I have found is that my psychic abilities/gifts have continued to open. This has helped me immensely. I do feel whole and I do feel more powerful." XX
" I am so grateful for your wise words of wisdom thank you teacher. ~ XX
Thanks again for such a wonderful session on Monday. I thorough enjoyed working with you again. You are truly gifted with an amazing spirit. I appreciate you sharing your gift of healing with me." ~ Since our last session things gone very good for me, work, my own intuitive self opened up, work is grea, and I love the orgone feet chakra balancers, they have been great! ~
"Dear Lilly, I made a pregnancy test today and the result is positive. I’m pregnant. Thank you so much for all your help. I will always be grateful for what you did! Love, XX"
"Thanks for a great session last night. I feel lighter than air today and a wonderful sense of calm. It is as if something hefty has been lifted from me" ~K |
"Lilly! You are so wonderful. Thank you so much for your healing touch on Saturday. I must have had some kind of a 24 hour virus. I went home and slept almost all day. I still had a headache and tummy ache until Sunday afternoon but I am all better now. I was so looking forward to your yoga hike. I hope I get the chance to join you again sometime soon! Thank you for your understanding and kindness. Blessings! - Heidi A."
"Lilly, Thanks for quite an amazing session again last night. I feel exhausted, but light and cleaned out. I appreciate you taking the time and using your healing energy to help me to let go and open me up."~ Kathleen
"Lilly you are very talented, thank you for the session." X X
"This was a very good session and thank you for sharing your gifts, there are only a few people that do the type of work you do." XX
Lilly, I got my period today after we did work on my ovaries and there was no pain whatsoever, first time without pain, I always have pain. Unbelievable!!! Also More good news after the first session we did that work on abundance: they called me for a job interview and not the one I applied for, another one paid much better!!! WOW!! I thank you so much. XX
"Dear Lilly,
Obviously saying thank you is not much. I'm just extremely grateful to you for what you've done for me. The session was the best investment I had ever made. Unlike yourself, I'm as energy insensitive as people can be. I wasn't expecting to feel anything, as you pointed out it's normal if I didn't. Well, as soon as we started working on the liver, I could sense something was going on. It was only at the liver at first, then it moved to the navel and solar plexus. Once we finished the session, I could clearly feel kind of very warm, spinning disc reaching my throat, and finally the neck area. As of now, there has beeen negative issues, in fact, my body is much warmer then it used to be. The sensation is as if I was having fever or flu like symptoms. My circulation has been badly affected by the heart chakra blockage and it has never been good. The first positive changes I noticed were when I ordered some elixirs from Yasmine. But today, I just feel much lighter. This huge emotional baggage has been slowly moving off my heart. Again, today's experience was just amazing !!!!!! My heart says thank you. I think the day I came across your website I knew deep inside that something good was bound to happen. Sincerely, Arthur
Lilly, Thank you so much for the session. It was very productive. I never realized that I had tension above my ears until it was gone. In addition my heart feels great! It feels opened if feeling open makes sense. I'm so very grateful for all you have done. -K
healing pendant TESTIMONIALS
"The session was the best time of my life. WOW! I felt and saw things that had never happened to me before, spinning energy, colors shifting back and forth... there was so much peace".
Today I felt better than in any period I can remember. It truly is an amazing feeling when your heart opens up. I'm not in a place where I wanna be yet, but the progress I've made during one session is stunning to me. It's beyond my wildest dreams!!!!" A.C.
her skills of healing and sensitivity, Lilly assisted me with health
problems, expressly neuropathies. She is very affective and the
relief I experienced is instant with a longevity of results. She
is a woman of superb integrity." Larry
- Las Vegas
checked sugar level before healing (227) and after (167). All their
pills and insulin couldn't do that. I felt so good I forgot to eat
or take medication. If that isn't confirmation I don't know what
is. I'm forever indebted (I hope that is correct word I'm looking
for) to you. Love you, Ann"
"After removing that "entity" (thought form) I feel excellent, didn't feel my energy flowing in my body like this for 2 years. Thank you. xx" |
had the pleasure of having Lillys magical healing touch. Everytime
she works on me I see these beautiful colors that are constantly
changing whenever she works on me. One time I had the experience
of leaving my body in a wonderful flowing and fluid way, very, very
nice...hard to describe, it lasted a few seconds but I know what
I saw and experience in those few seconds would have been a longer
time frame in 3D. What was so exciting about this experience is
that Lilly was present at that moment and so I just ?let it happen?.
After that experience I was confident that I can do this again?
on my own and looking forward to it.
love Lilly?s healing sessions also. I had the wonderful experience
to watch Lilly worked on my dog Suki and she was absolutely relaxed
and enjoying every momemt. When the healing session was over, Suki
would look up and started to look for Lilly. She had that look like?
?what? Is it over? Where did she go? Is she coming back??. I just
knew she loved it. Whenever, Lilly works on Suki, my other dog relaxes
too and enjoys the wonderful relaxing energy and takes a nice nap.
Just recently, both Suki and I had a healing session over the phone
with Lilly, and afterwards Suki and I had a long nap afterwards...it
was very nice. Thanks Lilly." Alicia - San Diego
Lilly, I feel great since the session. I feel my solar plexus and
my heart chakra open. Which I didnŠt feel before, like I said, all
I could feel there was a "lump". I also feel "clean" inside, like
a pillar of energy passing through my feet and going out the top
of my head. My energy seems "milkier". Before when I would have
an interaction with people, I felt a soft spot in my chest (where
the lump was)through which people would emotionally hurt me. Now
it isn?t there any longer. My capacity to visualize and stay grounded
has also increased. Take care? xxxxxx
My vision is now more clear, and I feel that my willpower is mine
again. I thank you again for the healing session.? xxxxx
I wanted to thank you so much for working with me on Friday. You
helped me alot with learning to boost more effectively and definetly
helped get me on the road to clearing out my heart chakra =). Thanks
again -Mel" |
I reconstruct vintage English motorcycles. When I tune an old machine,
the owner often is incredulous- he did not know how bad his bike
was and how well it could run. You have done that to my body. You
made adjustments similar to how a clunky machine is checked and
corrected. The tune you achieved within my subtle body (bodies?)
is as impressive as the best tune I've ever achieved. - Robert"
Lilly, I
just wanted to send you a quick email about the session we had on
Sunday. Thank you very much. I slept for the rest of the day and thru
all of the night. I woke up and had sort of a zit, acne, between my
left eye and nose and the bottom of my left eye was a little swelled
up. It has gotten better as the day has progressed. My sinuses feel
fine today, you really helped me-thank you.
Also, my left foot is feeling much better. It has been over 18 months
since it has felt this good.Take care, xxxxxx"
your work was brilliant, very powerful , it was the best healing that I had and would like to schedule another session." L
just wanted to update you on my progress from our session. I feel
so balanced and clear now! I can't thank you enough for assisting
me in this clearing and healing. As you said before, it's not you
but the divine healing energy of the universe, but I was in such
a bad off situation and blocked that I needed a very talented and
caring energy worker to get me going again.Just
to test the accuracy of my pendulum (I'm sort of new with it and
learning) after our session it said that I was free and clear of
all implants and attachments and that my chakras were all in working
order and in balance... yay! Of course I didn't need the pendulum
to tell me that, lol as I could just feel the amazing difference.
and light
am very pleased with the results I have received and am grateful for
the implant clearance you gave to me. Much love, Kyra"
"Hi Lilly,
for the Energy sessions. They work wonderfully and I feel so stress
free and relaxed after a session with you. When I first started with
you I had no energy due to the chemo treatments I was taking for my
lymphatic cancer. I belief the sessions with you helped me tolerate
the chemo better and helped my body heal faster. I would recommend
this energy sessions to the well as well as the sick. Thanks again,
Mike B." |
I just wanted to thank you for the healing sessions. I'm really
feeling good, better than I've ever felt in my life! I've been saying
my affirmations, smiling
alot and noticing the power of smiling. I can't be negative, sad,
depressed or angry when I'm smiling. My connection with God is strenthened
and I feel his LOVE.
Thank you for the healing session. I have no problems after you worked
on me and I noticed after you removed that cord that woman at work
doesn’t bother me anymore. I am not stressed, I take things
easy now. I feel great."
"Hi Lilly,
This is Philip. Thank you for the work you've done on me, it is greatly
appreciated. Sue and I have noticed very positive changes as a result
of our sessions." |
don?t know how you did it, Wow! I couldn?t walk straight, the pain
in my back was killing me. After you did your miraculous healing
my pain was almost gone and I could walk straight again. Your hands
are a miracle! thank you - Hector"
Lily, I'm doing better. Thanks so much for all your help - Sharon
Lilly, Just letting you in on what has happened since our session
on Thursday. Now that my root chakra is not blocked anymore, my
balance poses in yoga have improved dramatically! Also, my sex drive
came back, and I'm feeling much more positive and have been able
to ignore those voices most of the time. Thank You! Deborah H" |
It's me Tracey, I am feeling so much better since we talked. I want
these - orgone
chakra balancers- to help stay balanced.
The session was very good, I have a healthier perspective about
my relationship with God now and that will help because he has always
been so very kind to me.
Thanks Lilly- To Peace and Love? - Tracey
you so much for the wonderful healing session on friday the 2nd of
feb, I still feel good and have more energy. I have thought about
other important issues from the past that I would like to clear. If
its ok with you I would like to have another healing session sometime
in a month or so. I think youre an excellent healer with a lot of
insight. Thanks again and all the best to you. sincerely David Dubose"
"Dear Lilly, thank you so much for your amazing healing. You
took my pain away for a few times in a mater of minutes! Amazing!
Martha A." |
my mother told me how long the session was...and what you did. I
am still in sock ...She feels a lot better. You told my mom how
powerful she is...but do you realize how powerful and special you
are? thank you for everything that you have done for my mom - DD"
You know what?s interesting? After you did your magical healing
on my leg... guess what? It feels better now. Hmm? And btw your
hands were HOT! Wayne"
I received my pendant today. Thank you so much, it is beautiful...
beautiful to look at and to experience it's great energy. I'm continuing
my energy work and reiki on myself and am feeling improvements each
day. Thank you again for helping me to get back on track!
peace and light - Scott"
healing pendant TESTIMONIALS
"Thank you so much for the healing session. Afterwards I felt
charged, like running a mile, though I know better to do so at this
time. But mentally, spiritually I felt charged like I haven't in
a long time. Really trying to take to heart the power of positive
thinking you spoke of. Catching myself to not dwell on the negative.
My knees felt a lot better, the pains were taken down a notch, starting
getting some of the aches by late Tuesday, figuring some of the
mercury is settling back in but I not going to dwell on those feelings.
Took a long walk Monday nite and then another on Tuesday afternoon,
not pain free but definitely better walks then I have had in a long
time. The back, not as bad, still having problems with that but
at least I can sit in a chair again and tolerate it but that will
take a bit of time and therapy I figure.
Thanks so much, you are a true light being, so nice to make your
friendship again in this life. peace, love, happiness"
you worked on my dog he had seizures quite often. Two years after
you did that healing work on my dog the seizures stopped completely,
NOT EVEN ONE SEIZURE! Amazing! Thank you so much!
Lilly, Just wanted to report that I am feeling much better since our
session Tuesday! After the session, I took a nap and could feel my
whole body vibrating for a long time. Incidentally, this has happened
to me before, and I always feel as if it is my body healing itself
at a much faster rate. I am not exhausted anymore and have my energy
back and have been prone to spontaneous goofy dances now and then!
The people who talk to me in my head are still there, but I am trying
to wake them up rather than insulting them back (hard habit to break!)…
looks like my prayers are being answered and I'm sure that when
I can keep raising my vibration consistently they will cease to
bother me. Deb
Thanks for taking a look at my brother, Lilly. I'll incorporate that softer energy into my work on him. I wonder if Narwhals have soft energy. They are the unicorns of the sea. One night I was meditating on them, and had a clear vision of one swimming right past me. He was big, and so was his energy.
I want to give you my heartfelt thanks for all you've done to help me out. I know you don't do this work to inflate your ego, but I want you to know you've taught me so much, and helped me open to a whole side of myself that I never knew existed. For that I'm very grateful. I hope to work with you again soon. Namaste, Mike |
I received the pendant
today. Thank you so much. It does have a wonderful energy. I have
to tell you that I have been so happy, and have felt so elevated
since our session together. You have really helped me to be able
to break through and operate on a much higher level. Love, forgiveness
and gratitude for myself and others have been in my forethoughts.
My mind has been clear enough for me to see negative thoughts as
they come in, and I have been able to refuse them and to turn them
over to the universe. When confronting my health (and other) fears,
I am able to remind myself that I am an infinite being and I am
not subject to that, and I chose to replace that (problem/fear)
with love, forgiveness and gratitude. Thanks again so much! I will
keep in touch!
Love and peace," Jackye
hands are golden hands. It usually takes a week or so to recover after
that sort of flu. After the short healing session you’ve done
on me, the next day I recovered fully. Thank you." Maria
Lilly,While you were helping my son, I felt your energy very soft
and light. My body was so light, I saw beautiful feathers. A very
light feather touched me. The whole room was filled with angels.
You are helped by angels, Lilly.My
son got better that night, and I thank you for that. My arm is getting
better as well, and I thank you for all you did for us, you are
such a blessing. N. A.
you know I have never believed in all this weird “energy work”.
BUT when you touched me, I could feel the heat and love. I wanted
to cry so bad! There was a great amount of heaviness in my chest.
The heaviness disappeared with your touch and I felt like flying.
couldn’t believe your hands were creating that heat and as
you said my heart center was getting unblocked, my heart was getting
healed. You mentioned cords and dark magic done to me. Well you
were perfectly right: my mother in law and her daughter did dark
magic on me. I saw dark spells in one of their note books. And by
the way I dreamt about my ex after you worked on me. I am not a
skeptic anymore. You are gifted and blessed. Thank you so much!
C. C."
you so much for the healing session. I haven't been relaxed like
that in centuries. Also I can see improvement on my condition. I
will have to ask you for another session." A.T.
you so much for the Friday night healing session. I felt so charged
afterwards that I did not want to go to bed until after 2 am. Once
again thank you for the wonderful work that you do. The world can
use a few more people like you and Yasmine."
"Lilly, My neck has been feeling so much better, it has been looser than in so long. My psysical therapist was astounded." XX
Hi Lilly,
Thanks again for the work that you did with me a few weeks ago, it really cleared up some of the puzzling things that were going on. I'm very happy that I found your site. J.D.
healing pendant TESTIMONIALS
donation (for the healing session) although its not much, I believe
it’s the best money I have spend in my life tell today and
I am 37 years old. Many thanks, Wish you heaven in the best places
you desire." A.M.A.
I wanted to say thank you for having a great web site and for all
the wonderful healing work that you do. I found you from searching
the Solfeggio healing frequencies. I am a quantum biofeedback therapist
and those numbers where in my advanced training manual and also on
the Hawaiin Holy Water I bought from Len Horowitz web site. Thanks
again for being a great healer!
yours in health,
Stacy Parros
Lilly, it has been ten months or so since our phone session. My life
has changed so much for the better. You gave me some good words. Thank
you so much. T"
Hi Lilly, I'm feeling fabulous and back to my old self. A BIG THANK YOU! ~ Just thought I would
share with the results of your healing work and what it unlocked.... I am so very thankful to have found you and to have someone like P in my life. - XX
is a talented, deeply intuitive and caring healer. She did some energy
healing and suggested a cayenne pepper patch for the ganglion cyst
on my wrist. Within a few days, my wrist was better. It really made
my yoga practice so much better. Lilly is also a wonderful person
and a beautiful, blessed soul. -- Jenny in Venice Beach, CA
Lilly and thank you again for today's session. I have been feeling
a bit weak and spacey but I know it's all good! I know what we did
together helped and I had a dream I was teaching children to fly and
i have not dreamt i was flying since i was a young child. I am truly
grateful." Robyn
Dear Lilly, I don't know but something incredible might happen. I am selling a large piece of property in ... someone called today and is so interested she might buy sight unseen and full asking price. That would be a miracle if this happened and I would have to say it probably has something to do with the work you did on me. Maybe I need to wear an abundance pendant too. Sincerely Anne
Hi Lilly- it was so great to meet you!
I want you to know that you were spot on in your insights for me. What you perceived in me are exactly the things I am working on--connecting to the divine mother, grounding in my root chakra, allowing the Feminine (ie. intuition & creativity) to have more prominence in my life, and also healing a lingering sadness. My 6 month old daughter has been wonderful for helping me with this! On one hand, I was not at all surprised by your accuracy because you seem to hold that intuitive healing energy--but on the other hand-- it is kind of startling for me when a (seemingly) complete stranger is so able to see my issues with such precision. When you walked into the room I immediately felt friendship toward you.
You must be the "Lilly" that I was told to imagine in the golden light a few months ago when I was meditating and trying to connect with my spirit guides. The guidance came as a gentle, suggestive thought. I made sure I was drawing from the highest, divine source when it came to me. I really concentrated on imagining you enveloped in the light even though I had no idea who you were. At the time I was a bit startled by the out-of-the-blue idea but it seems perfectly natural now given the context in which we met. I think my guides are trying to show me they're real and are giving me a friend (you) to share this exploration with. Take care-Marla
Sweety, I have to tell you, you helped me a lot!!! Unbelievable!!! My shoulder feels so good after your energy work, I do not have any pain right now whatsoever. Feels so good!!! Thank you for bringing all this amazing energy and holding so much light. Love you always. X X
Hi Lilly,
Thanks for the session. It's the first time I've had some one who can tune into me like that. I like it. ~ James
I feel more grateful and am thankful on a daily basis for this life and each day....thank you dearly...it was transformative....and im still processing the remains...and treasuring the feelings that linger from those most healing vibrations and frequencies....most of all i do belive the infection i was experiencing has left my body....next month i'll be ready for another session... X
For many years I felt pressure in my eyes, after the session, pressure is gone. Thank you. XX
The healing session was awesome. Your energy is so powerful. Thank
you I feel like you helped me so much." Jen.
healing pendant TESTIMONIALS
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information and products contained on this website are for research
purposes only and should not be construed as medical recommendations
for any disease or symptom. It is not intended to provide medical
advice. We do not diagnose, treat or cure medical conditions. Consult
the appropriate healthcare professionals on any matter relating to
your health and well-being.