Living in harmony with the nature ...reawakening of true spirituality... discovering the power of healing... increasing inner peace and serenity...
Orgone Dream Enhancer

$72 (including s&h anywhere in the world)
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As the visible world is nourished by the invisible, humanity can be sustained and preserved by the lovely visions of dreamers" ~ Melody - "Love is in the Earth"

Psychic mind is at work when we sleep, dream and meditate. Is our direct connection with Nature.

Dreams were used by ancestors to see what has to come. Understanding our dreams are important to understand what is going on in our life. The key is to remember those dreams lovingly during our sleep.

Place the orgone dream enhancer under your pillow or close to head at night for restful sleep, to remember dreams, to attract guardian angels.

Approx dimensions: diameter 2 1/2''


Orgone Dream Enhancer is a powerful orgone (life energy) blessing designed to help:

induce psychic, healing and prophetic dreams
* enhance spiritual consciousness
* visualize and materialize

* assist in a restful sleep
, promoting calmness and clarity
* remember dreams and promote dream solving
facilitate contact with angelic realms

* aid meditation and visualization
trust the insight received
* maximize creativity
* to calm nervous system

The essential oils and herbs chosen for this
Orgone Dream Enhancer help to induce psychic dreams.
The combination of gemstones selected for this Dream Enhancer helps you to reach into the psychic realms opening you up to new possibilities.
The Solfegio frequencies infused in this enhancer help dissolve psychic blocks at cellular level, non beneficial frequencies, memories and suggestions, readjusting them, opening you up to receive insight.
The water used for the dream enhancer is strongly charged, keeping the intuition and psychic abilities frequencies active.

Dreaming affirmations: My dreams are spiritual, healing and positive. I remember my dreams with clarity. I receive guidance while dreaming. I am inspired by my dreams. Dreams manifest my desires. I understand all the messages in my my dreams.

Set a clear intention before falling asleep. Place your Orgone Dream Enhancer under your pillow or close to your head, prior to sleep to reinforce its effects. Carry the orgone dream enhancer around with you for the next few days with the intention in your mind, then leave it home, place it in a safe place and then forget about it. Taking a rest from intentions now will let the third eye (brow) center to watch for new patterns which will give you solutions. Repeat the process with other intentions.


What people have to say about the dream Enhancer

I let my friend borrow the dream enhancer. She left it under her pillow and her mom has been using it: here's what she has to say (my friend's words, regarding her moms reactions - she's a nurse and was originally amazed at the amount of REM sleep she got unknowingly the first night she had it under her pillow. "My mom can't stop talking about her sleeps the past 3 nights. She said things in her brain from when she was 15 are coming up and she's never dreamt so much in her whole sleeping life. She's never used and that she had full blown conversations with her boyfriend from when he was 15 whom she hasn't thought about in years.
She also said she's sleeping for 14 hrs usually she's up every hour." ~Nick H.

A balanced throat chakra will enhance psychic or healing dreams. - Check out our orgone throat chakra balancers and throat orgone pendants.


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