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Mysteries of the Pineal Gland - The Spiritual Third Eye

Pineal gland (The spiritual Third Eye) - the most enigmatic of all glands releases DMT during sleep, allowing dreams.


Ways to activate your pineal gland

* Plants like ayahuasca contain a large amount of DMT that is used in spiritual healings for thousands of years in order to interact with higher intelligence.

* Fluoride and some other chemicals including heavy metals, chlorine, vaccination calcify the pineal gland. Fluoridation is also associated with speeding the age process, all sort of allergies, immune system problems, learning disabilities in kids, lower IQ, arthritis, cancer etc.

Remove all sources that calcify your pineal gland.

* If you want to open that beautiful third eye, quit drinking and eating junk.
Eat live food and drink good water.

* Meditate
If you cannot meditate or don't know how, use guided meditations.

* Orgone has been known to increase the psychic abilities.
Third Eye Chakra Orgone pendant helps activate the third eye.

* Spiritual activation from spiritual healer or shaman -
(shaktipat = transference of psychic spiritual energy to someone)

Last week I have met with a friend who was always asking me why she cannot see or feel others energies like I do. So I sat down with her and "touched" her forehead opening her third eye.
Since then she started to see, feel and attract all kinds of energies, good and also challenging experiences.

She has asked me: “what did you do to me?”
I said: "Be crystal clear what you ask for"… :-)
What is your intention? Why do you want to see and feel energies? Just for the heck of seeing or because you want to use them to achieve your highest purpose in life. Very important!


This video explains the link between the Pineal Gland - the seat of Consciousness (Spiritual Third Eye)
and the DMT in the pineal gland, a psychedelic compound that acts as a catalyst for out of body experiences (OBE),
near death experiences (NDE), lucid dreaming or any spontaneous metaphysical state

The veil between 3rd dimmension and other dimmensions of reality becomes more and more transparent.
That makes us see more in other dimensions of reality.
By just being aware of it you will start to have a larger perspective of seeing not only with your physical senses but also with your psychic senses.

I was having a deep spiritual conversation to a good friend of mine and at the same time I saw ourselves in another dimension, in spirit form before coming into this human body.We have agreed to experience the human body life and to remind each other why we have come to learn in this wonderful humanly experience as spiritual beings.

We have agreed to come to this plane of existence called world to experiences something.

What is your purpose?

Warning: You might have the best experience on Earth when you know what your life purpose is.

Much Love,




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