I have also added essential oils to further boost the strength of the pendant:
Frankencinse (so calming for Virgo) - one of the most sacred oils that helps Virgo
get in touch with their divine nature and sacredness and
Ylang Ylang to help Virgo love and appreciate themselves on deeper levels.
I have a also added a few drops of potent gem elixirs I personally made during powerful cosmic events.

Metaphysical description:
Sodalite ? the power of this stone will help Virgo to achieve spiritual strength and connect both spiritual with material worlds.
* Sapphire keeps them loyal and kind
* Chrysocolla helps them find their voice in the world, follow their Divine Path and Mission
* Picture Jasper -enhancing visualization, creativity and encourage them to see the Big Picture
* Citrine brings Virgo good luck, confidence and positive vibes.
* Carnelian gives them a needed boost to take action when necessary, keeping them motivated and inspirational.
* Jade will provide health and vitality to Virgos.
* Tiger?s Eye helps Virgo to be less of a perfectionist which can kill Virgo?s creativity and motivates them to open and follow Divine Heart.
* Lapis Lazuli will empower Virgos, helping them to connect with their Intuition and Higher Self.
* Smoky Quartz will keep them grounded and protected.
A bit of hematite helps Virgos deal with life?s disappointments and losses.
Botswana Agate helps Virgo to deal with and overcome stress and reduce anxiety.
* Ametrine dissolves emotional blocks and helps Virgos gain emotional maturity, helping them to express their feelings freely.
* Shungite for purification and protection against EMF's
Suggestion: (although not necessary)
Place your pendant over your third eye chakra (between eyebrows) and/or your heart chakra (middle of chest)
and circle it with the middle and pointing fingers while breathing calmly.
Wear it around your neck and when you put it on think about your higher purpose
and seeing the world through the eyes of beauty, eyes of an AWAKANED human being.
Virgo Orgone Pendant
(including s&h anywhere in the US only)
see more information for international orders
Virgo you are a magician of manifestation. Manifest what your heart desires.