* release anger, resentment, aggression
* protect the body from negativity
* activate the flow of personal expression and individuality, facilitate
confidence and strengthen communication
* enhance dream work
* provide intellectual and emotional stability
* promote understanding, inspiring empathy and honest communication
* clear blockages in the belief systems
* removing blockages from the nervous system, strengthening skeletal
* enhance positive thinking and balance
* boost immune system, balancing metabolism
* support and strengthen the thymus gland which is one of the main
organs of the immune system.
essential oils, herbs, high vibrational gemstones and crystals, sound frequencies,
prayers, healing vibes and powerful
charged holy water chosen for the throat chakra orgone pendant
have a
powerful resonance with the frequency of the throat center.

chakra affirmations:
I express my truth freely.
I freely
create my own reality.
I use my voice to bless others.
(5th) Chakra Orgone Pendant
(including s&h anywhere in the US only)
see more information for international orders
What people have to say about Throat Chakra Orgone Pendant
"i'm happy to announce that i received the pendant yesterday, and i
must say; it couldn't have come at a better time. here i am,
struggling to write my essay for my business course, i was
having trouble trying to convert what i had in mind, until my dad
informed me a package had come in for me.... i already knew what it
was, opened it and put it on... and without hesitation, the words
began to flow from my finger tips. it really is amazing how fast
healing can travel from one source to another... thank you so much for
making orgonite, and filling it with all your love and light. i think
this is my favourite piece, which is hard to say considering the
collection i have." - Nick H
"I came home and found our pendants in the mail I'm so excited!
A wave of super calm and happiness came over me as I just held mine in my hand.
Then after wearing it now feel like I am on top of the world! Thank you - W.M."
"This pendant (throat chakra orgone pendant) helped me very much.
Thank you for sharing these amazing gifts with the world. Arthur S."
"I do feel more relaxed after wearing this pendant, even my jaw relaxes
( I hold a lot of tension in my jaw),
a sense of peace and at the same time joy.
The pendant does radiate a lot of positive energy. Would love to try other pendants.
Love, ~ X. D."