So here is what I've designed with LOVE for my Scorpio friends:
The combination of gemstones and crystals in this pendant work in perfect synergy.
I have added in the resin/metal mixture strong charged water collected from sacred places of power I have travelled.
The water keeps pendant's frequencies alive and happy.
I have also added essential oils to further boost the strength of the pendant:
Frankencinse (so calming for Scorpio) - one of the most sacred oils that helps Scorpio
get in touch with their divine nature and sacredness and
Patchouli essential oil helps to soften Scorpios heart so he can forgive, let go and move on.
The oil assists Scorpio with emotional healing, calming down his body and mind and gives them relief from anxiety, anger and depression.
I have also added a few drops of potent gem elixirs I personally made during powerful cosmic events.
Metaphysical description:
Amethyst purifies Scorpios energy, clears his mind, turning negative thoughts into positive.
Malachite protects Scorpio against evil eye, helps with detoxification and healing.
It also brings balance to emotions and improves his mood.
Jade helps him to find joy and confidence so he can enjoy life fully.
Carnelian motivates the Scorpio and brings them rejuvenation, vitality and creativity.
Mahogany Obsidian offers flexibility and makes Scorpios less rigid in their thinking and behavior.
It helps them achieve thier goals despite of any challenges.
Tiger Eye protects Scorpio, helps him to make dreams reality and set clear intentions.
* Red Jasper helps Scorpio deal with criticism; strengthen his confidence and self esteem, offering internal peace and serenity.
* Red coral will bring joy to Scorpio, making them enjoy life, keep them positive and confident,
protect them from envy and help them deal with any jealousy.
Fluorite helps Scorpios with spiritual growth as well as intellectual development.
Garnet helps him with anything related to love, helping him to tune into his heart finding true love.
It helps purify Scorpio energies and bring him prosperity, strength and stability.
Smokey Quartz protects Scorpio from his negative thinking and detoxes his emotions.
Rhodochrosite assists Scorpio in opening his heart to self love, compassion and forgiveness.
Citrine will enhance Scorpio?s manifesting powers to attract prosperity and awakens his creativity.
Aquamarine calms the Scorpio and enhances communications skills.
Ruby will generate positive results and bring good luck to Scorpio.
* Shungite for purification and protection against EMF's
Suggestion: (although not necessary)
Place your pendant over your third eye chakra (between eyebrows) and/or your heart chakra (middle of chest)
and circle it with the middle and pointing fingers while breathing calmly.
Wear it around your neck and when you put it on think about your higher purpose
and seeing the world through the eyes of beauty, eyes of an AWAKENED human being.
Scorpio Orgone Pendant
(including s&h anywhere in the US only)
see more information for international orders
And because Scorpios need to learn how to forgive (in particular the past)
we are suggesting "Heal the Past, Heal your Life" meditation download.
Scorpio you are magnetic and can accomplish anything you want. ~Live Well...