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Gifting/blessing San Diego

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:55 am    Post subject: Gifting/blessing San Diego Reply with quote

Gifting/blessing San Diego

Our new passion - scuba diving allows us to see new things (underwater), meet nature?s lovers, gift, bless the environment and have fun.

Last weekend we did a night dive at La Jolla Shores, San Diego. Two years ago we gifted La Jolla Cove with Alicia and this year when we returned we were pleasantly surprised to see/feel great energy and clear water. On our night dive from shore, we saw small lobsters, bat rays, small halibut fish and at the end of the dive a big school of fish. That is awesome because the ocean has plenty of fish which means abundance. Alicia told us there are many gifters now in San Diego area. Awesome!

Next day Constantin and I went on a diving boat. We did a deep dive, we went down to about 100 feet to see the Yukon wreck which is part of the artificial reef project in San Diego. The reef is beautiful, with small soft corals, such as pink strawberry anemones, large white organisms which look like beautiful flowers. Yukon was a warship which became an artificial reef with an abundance of life. Beautiful!

At the bottom there was a harbor seal waiting to play with the divers. While we were relaxing on our surface interval I started to boost, expanding my aura like I did on Catalina Trip and Hawaii trip calling the dolphins. They come most of the time when I call for them. Few of them showed up at the distance. How amazing!
I asked the captain how often they see dolphins, he said not often though. Anyway he told me that one time the dolphins were in the water while divers were descending and they could hear dolphins? clicks and noise and they were deeply moved by them.
After I did my own ?blessing the ocean? boost and gifting with dolphin balls, a harbor seal showed up and started to play next to the boat. As I was calling her and talked to her she would play, showing off her acrobatic skills, being very comical. As I was talking to her she touched the boat, checking it out, like a dog sniffing. She obviously invited me to play with her. We both played hide and seek game, she was diving under the boat and showed up on the other side while I was following her? peek-a-boo!! The whole game we were playing was so funny and exhilarating. To bad I couldn?t take pictures as the camera was inside the galley and I was still wearing my wet suit. Seals, like dolphins are very affectionate mammals. Of course they need to be treated with respect and not invade their space.
Her friendliness impressed me, I believe if humans are ready for friendly interaction with animals, the animals will initiate contact. They have a desire to develop closer relationships with humans.

After we finished diving and gifting we met with Alicia and Miguel. What a joy to meet our friends!!! We shared experiences, stories and healing techniques. It was around 10:30 pm when Alicia said: ?Lets go gifting! I brought with me two boxes with old orgonite? She asked me before what I?ve done with my old orgone generators. I removed some of them from my house and re gifted the house and surroundings with new ones made with strong charged water (zam zam or charged water in cloud buster) and agnihotra (ash).
I noticed that old orgone generators without charged water can be reactivated with orgone generators made with charged water.
So Alicia decided to offer all her old orgone generators to the Ocean. She chose Ocean Beach pier. Why that pier, we soon had to find out

I told Alicia the old orgone generators would really enjoy the ocean?s energy as they were missing the water element. Miguel grabbed a heavy box with goodies and Constantin grabbed the other one. Miguel was rushing to gift the water. Alicia and I thought, ?ohh the box must be really heavy?

Alicia prepared mud balls with zam zam water and ash, so she added an extra boost to the old orgonite.
I noticed that the old orgonite was recharging in my hands while I put them in contact with new orgonite (dolphin balls and small Tbs) I made with zam zam water and ash. The old orgone generators awakened in my hands and I told Alicia to ?feel? the energy awakening so she could feel the vibration of the old orgonite which was asleep before.

As we were gifting, I experienced a block in my heart center, I felt tightness in my chest. There was a great amount of stagnant energy clearing around. Alicia felt a blockage in her third eye, while Miguel felt it in his throat. We all experienced blockage and tightness in different areas of our bodies.

While we gifted we said little prayers and set the INTENT for abundance. I didn?t know why I would ask for abundance. The orgone pendant I was wearing at the time was my abundance and prosperity pendant which started to pulsate around my neck, telling me this place needs abundance.
I also think ?gifting? rewarded us, unblocking the scarcity and poverty thoughts embedded deep into our subconscious minds. The blockages we felt were also our abundance blocks which were getting released as well as masses old scarcity and poverty programming which is transmitted thru genes from generations. Most of the population was ?programmed? to think ?there is not enough for everyone on this planet? which is not true. There is more than enough for everyone on this planet without limitation, we need to move forward towards evolution. Someone I don?t remember said: ?poverty is a sin? . I thoroughly agree. Abundance must not be confused with greed, materialism, consumerism.

Anyway?at some point we lost Miguel, and found only the empty box. Alicia and I started to joke about Miguel being abducted, but the fact that we couldn?t find him was puzzling us. Finally after a while, we saw him coming towards us, he went back to the car looking for us. Still we couldn?t explain how Miguel disappeared.

One explanation could be that he was able to manipulate time, modifying his vibration to a different level then ours. Even today Alicia and I cannot explain that. Rolling Eyes

When we drove back I had a clear vision of a beautiful woman, an angel of the ocean thanking Miguel and us.

I?ve also noticed strange long ?things? moving really fast above us. I asked the others if they can see them. ?No? was the answer and we all joked about mysterious ?things?? Same weird ?things? I saw the previous year when we gifted the same pier with Alicia and Miguel.
I told the guys, joking, that a huge portal we?ll be opening there due to heavily gifting. Boy those two boxes were really heavy, no wonder Miguel manipulated the time, he wanted to get rid of the heavy old orgonite fast!

Ocean Beach pier is heavily gifted!!
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rare sight: Manta rays spotted off Dana Point... is this related to our gifting in San Diego? Rolling Eyes Hmmm... could be...
I love manta rays, I have a special connection with them...
The night we dove with them in Kona Hawaii, was breath taking...
watch the video:

Rare sight: Manta rays spotted off Dana Point
September 4th, 2007 ? 2 Comments ? posted by lconnelly

An unusual sighting occurred on the coast Monday when three large manta rays were spotted about eight miles off Dana Point.

Brian Woolley, captain of the Sum Fun boat out of Dana Wharf Sportfishing, at first thought the ripples on the water?s surface were caused by a school of large fish, possibly yellowtail.
Instead, he spotted three manta rays cruising along.

Woolley, captain for seven years, has never seen of them around these parts before. Marine biologists were shocked and excited about the report.

The dark gray rays had a white underbelly and a wingspan of 10- to 12-feet wide.

?They were just kind of swimming along in a formation, staggering one after the other,? Woolley said. ?They were just cruising right at the surface.?

When Rachael Calkins, marine biologist for the Ocean Institute, first heard of the sighting, her reaction was ?how bizarre is that??
The last official sighting she had heard about around here was during El Nino.

Calkins speculated that the manta rays came up here because of the quick change in water temperatures during the past week.

There was recently a drop in water temperature to about 59 degrees because of upwelling ? when colder water is pushed up to the surface by strong winds. With the hot weather, the water temperatures have shot up drastically since Sunday.

Dennis Kelly, professor of marine science at Orange Coast College, said in his 35 years of teaching he?s only heard of them being here once - and even that was iffy, being that the source was a fisherman who enjoyed drinking.
?This is extremely unusual,? he said. ?Very rare, one in a million.?
Kelly thinks there may be a large, temporary current called the ?Davidson counter current? coming through from Baja.

If the mantas found their way here, other subtropical fish such as the Wahoo barracuda, large sun fish, green sea turtles, and the black jellyfish that washed up on shore a few years ago could also be making their way to our region.

?If we?re seeing mantas here, there?s a chance we?ll see stranger creatures here,? he said. ?Tell everybody to keep their eyes peeled, when things like this happen, we can see anything out there.?

The manta ray is the largest of the rays. Its wingspan can get up to 25 feet across and its weight up to 6,600 pounds. The rays are usually found in tropical areas and coral reefs, as well as the Sea of Cortez and through Baja, and occasionally in San Diego, the highest point of their range.

During Monday?s sighting, the manta rays came up to the bow, like dolphins sometimes do, and swam with the boat for about five minutes before the boat took off to look for more fish to catch.

?The passengers were stoked checking them out,? Woolley said.

Did you know?
- Mantas are most commonly black above and white below, but some are blue on their backs.

- To breathe, like other rays, the manta has five pairs of gills on the underside.

- The manta ray?s mouth is big enough to fit four full-grown men through it at once.

- Mantas are filter feeders, feeding on plankton and fish larvae.

- Mantas frequent reef-side cleaning stations where small fish such as wrasses and angelfish swim inside the manta?s gills and all over its skin to feed, in the process cleaning it of parasites and removing bits of dead skin.

- The predators of the manta ray are mainly large sharks, however in some circumstances killer whales have also been observed preying on them.

Source: Wikipedia

For more news along the coast, go to

- Laylan Connelly
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:27 pm    Post subject: gifting the whales San Diego Reply with quote

We came back to San Diego with Cristina and her boyfriend joining us. This time we decided we go on a whale watching trip although the whale season was pretty low. Before embarking I asked myself ?Are you still going to be happy if you don?t see any whales today?? (as I was getting a feeling we were not going to see any. ?I searched inside myself and the answer was ?YES? the trip was in fact a great opportunity to gift the ocean and get close to cetaceans? environment.

Soon after we left the harbor Cristina and I saw ?orbs? in fact these ?orbs? are orgone (prana) particles. They were everywhere, dancing around: zigzagging and spiraling everywhere. I also saw many blue rays coming from the ocean and got the feeling that someone gifted this area. Oh how can I forget? Alicia and Miguel went on a whale watching gifting trip some time ago.

A whaling station was built in 19th century, near the tip of Point Loma, in Ballast Point. Companies hunted migrating gray whales with exploding harpoons. As we passed by this point I could feel the sadness from the killings so I made sure the place is gifted and blessed.
Also Point Loma is a navel base, home to the west coast fast-attack submarines and various support activities.

Point Loma


During the trip while doing my boosting cetacean meditation I asked the dolphins where they are. I got an immediate answer: ?Right here? , ?Where?? ?Look on your left?. I opened my eyes, I looked to the left and saw few splashes which turned our to be dolphins.

?Just trust your feelings?
Imagine what joy I was experiencing, so I continued meditating on connecting to the whales. This time as I felt the connection established I asked ?where are you guys?. Again I got ?right here?. Where ?I cannot see you? and remembered to stay patient. They were right there but in another dimension.

First I got I have to open my heart more, expanding the pink beam of love from my heart to 360 degrees until it becomes a circle. The visual for this would be: imagine a pink ray of love from the heart towards the ?target? and extend that beam 360 degrees.
As the connection became very clear my head and chakras started to spin in different directions. I was out for few moments drawn into a different dimension. When I came back I felt tears coming down my cheeks.
I asked ?how can we interact with you??
The answer was? In the physical by you visiting our environment and/or in the dream or meditation state when we come visit you.?

The interdimensional portal of healing was opened last year and the whales are one of the beings we can communicate with.

Three nights ago I woke up with whales in my mind. They needed my attention. Whales are still in danger in Japan in the Southern Ocean.
I started to boost the whaling crews until I fell asleep. It was a long and very intense boost. I had a very clear vision, I was in the water with the whales when a harpoon ship came right towards us. It was so distressful that I had to leave the place, transforming that distress into love and compassion towards the whaling crew, with the intent that their hearts will open to love and respect for the ocean and its inhabitants.
As the whales suggested I spread the love in a 360 degrees angle so the ray of love would cover a lot more.

Please please whenever you think of whales and dolphins, send them a love boost so they can leave in peace undisturbed by anything or anyone.
Last night while reading a book, someone was calling me etherically. My body behaves in a certain way when someone needs my attention. Whales called again, they asked for another boost, something was going on. Again I did a long boost/meditation session for the whales.

While in San Diego we visited the aircraft carrier USS Midway Museum. To be honest, this place was not my cup of tea, no wonder I had a headache as soon as we got on the vessel. The energy of war was still imprinted in the walls. I actually had to go outside on the platform to regain my energy from the sun. Cristina and I made sure the aircraft was blessed and gifted.

USS Miday Museum

For the oceans and cetaceans,
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