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Southern California Coast and the dolphins

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:35 pm    Post subject: Southern California Coast and the dolphins Reply with quote

Visiting Alicia in San Diego was fun, gifting together and detecting spooks was more fun.
She gifted the ocean from few piers previously. The places she gifted, the water looked much better than the other places.
The water looked polluted at most beaches we visited.

We asked many people around what is wrong with the water, why it looks dirty red. They said it?s all about ?red tide? some of them mentioned some chemicals pollution. Fisherman told us they couldn?t catch fish because of the red tide.
I asked people who used to live in Southern California if they happened to see this red tide but they said ?never!?. It?s happening lately.

My first thought when I saw the polluted water was that they are dumping red blood bacteria which is similar with the chemicals found in chemtrails. Anne said exactly the same thing when I asked her to ?take a look?, etherically speaking.

Constantin and I went to gift Imperial Beach from the Pier. We asked the fishermen if they?ve seen dolphins lately and the answer was yes. Alicia gifted that pier previously.
I noticed a white plane above the pier beaming something like a dust or a light and I asked Constantin if he saw the same because I thought what I was seeing was etherically. It was actually happening in 3rd.
What was the plane all about? I am not sure but I got that is definitely something to do with us gifting.

Together with Alicia we gifted the La Jolla Cove where there were a whole bunch of seals on the beach. They say they come there to rest. The water there looked polutted but not really bad.. There was also a spook taking pictures of both of Alicia and I (we were showing the middle fingers)
We did Ocean Pier and 10 -15 min after that, Alicia heard the noise of military helos, she can detect the noise from far away. Two helos visited that area after we gifted it.

Arriving at San Clemente pier I got in a hurry and sort of rushed because I felt an urge to go throw my dolphin balls in the water quick.
Two dolphins were swimming away from the shore and I followed them to see what happens. I got that they were waiting for my gifts desperately. The water was ugly red and polluted. I gifted and then I ?ve seen another dolphin coming towards the pier , then another 2 dolphins swimming towards the pier.

Two nights later I had a dream about these dolphins swimming happily in that water which got gifted.

Once in a chatroom we were looking for targets and I got a word: ?Capistrano?. It sounded latino, but that time I didn?t pay much attention. When we visited beaches and looked on the map, there it was, Capistrano beach. Bingo!! When we went there to gift, the water was the most polluted. And of course 3 spooks were on the payroll doing their job.

We were gifting another pier, it was night time, many people fishing. Throwing orgonite in the water makes a big noise. We threw gifts in the water and few young guys said: ?What the hell was that, did you hear it?? Then we threw more and again they got the same questions and said: ?maybe it?s a shark.? Constantin and I were laughing and having fun playing with these young men.
Few minutes after we gifted there is a professional fisherman catching a small shark. Shocked
Now the guys got really surprised that there was indeed a shark in the water.
I told them: ?You see, you were right about that shark, so never give up on your intuition?. Laughing

Note: all the gifts were made with charged water, which makes them more powerful.

I think it's really important to gift the oceans.

Capistrano beach Southern California

San Clemenente Southern California

originally posted Sat Jul 09, 2005 1:56 pm

Last edited by lilly on Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:42 am; edited 13 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

from Alicia:
Lilly had told me since January that she and Constantin wanted to come to San Diego to gift the San Diego coast with Dolphin Balls. It was a long wait? but what the heck they finally came to San Diego! It was a joyful, exciting and productive experience being with them, and time went by so fast just like when Don and Carol came to visit me. It?s interesting also to note that their visit was to concentrate our gifting along the San Diego Coastline just like Don and Carol.

Our cetaceans have been calling out to us to gift the ocean and I was happy that Lilly made Dolphin Balls for our San Diego cetaceans. At one of the piers, as we were getting them out of the trunk, I told Lilly ?please be generous?. Deep inside of me I felt the cetaceans asking Lilly please give us more orgonite..we need some more. Lilly, giggled and said ok?.more Dolphin Balls. Whatever crap is being thrown or is in the ocean, our cetacens need our help to gift the ocean and probably setup a good reminder ? like a string around our finger as a reminder. I feel this to be a very serious situation and I also have to agree with Don that it?s important to gift the oceans.

As for spooks?. gosh, we had spooks following us around and it really pisses me off when I have special friends like Lilly and Constantin visiting me and then have these freaking spooks following us around they become a nuisance sometimes. Constantin can smell them easily and he gave me some tips on how to zero on some spooks. Yep, spooks in the restaurant, sitting right next us?these were easy to spot, on the street, on the piers, - they have nothing better to do than to follow us around. But it doesn?t matter, because the more we gift the more intuitive we become and can zero on them easily and boost them big time. Nope, I certainly do not believe we do not have the power, which these manipulators would like for us to believe and think that we are inferior. We are the creators of our destiny and they can?t stop us. Gifting is what empower us, in fact, even more.

--- Alicia

Last edited by lilly on Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:24 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We returned to San Diego after about a month. We went to one of the beaches we gifted previously and we were really amazed to see how the water has changed after we gifted it.
The water looked emerald green and very clear.

We saw seals last time but they didn?t look happy at all. This time they really seemed to enjoy themselves resting after swimming in the healty water.
After we did more gifting (Alicia helped with Tb?s also), we were heading towards the car.

Before we got to the car we took a last look at the ocean and saw this beautiful pelican who was showing off. That was funny because we were trying to make him pose for our camera talking to him. The fellow paused for a while and then continued his act, keeping us busy.
We didn?t know why until suddenly we saw 4-5 dolphins swimming towards the place we just gifted. Alicia?s mouth and mine dropped . That happened after 10-15 minutes and that was obvious why the pelican kept us busy.
One of the dolphins planed above the water for a few seconds towards where we placed the gifts.

All these pictures were taken in San Diego, California (La Jolla Cove) on Sunday, August 7 th, 2005. According to Alicia, who spent most of her life in San Diego, she has never seen the ocean so clear.

Charged water TB's work fine, but dolphin balls are easier for the dolphins to pick them up and take them wherever they're much needed. Also the dolphin balls are round shape and the energy seems to be more powerful. I personally love dolphin balls for the ocean gifting, I feel more connected with the dolphins.

Don Croft mentioned that the oceans need gifting. I can't stress enough how important is to orgonize the oceans.


Last edited by lilly on Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:42 am; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A few times in our blasting chats when we were looking for nukes deep inside the ocean we saw antenna arrays under the water.
The last incident just happened in Russia confirmed that antenna arrays do exist in the oceans.
I have also found antenna?s arrays underground when I took a peek etherically. One of them was Mt Whitney portal and the other was Angel Peak. They communicate with above ground equipment. That is my take on this, but of course I would love to see confirmations in 3D.

Looking etherically and see things is something but when we see them in 3D is empowering.

The orgonite we tossed in the water was not sophisticated at all. Some of them were Tb?s some of them were dolphin balls , we just wanted to make sure that the edges were not sharp and the metal won?t stick out because we don?t want to hurt the cetaceans.

Here is the link about the Russian sub:

I?ve also copied the link just in case it disappears Wink

?Rescuers race to free trapped Russian submarine
PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, Russia -- Russian crews labored late Saturday to drag up a mini-submarine snarled in a seabed antenna deep in the Pacific, hoping to get the seven trapped crewmen close enough to the surface to escape before their air supply ran out.

American and British rescue teams equipped with robotic submersible vehicles were hurrying to the site. Authorities hoped those vessels could cut the mini-sub free if two Russian ships were unable to lift the heavy entanglement with a cable they looped under it.

Official estimates varied on how much oxygen remained in the trapped vessel some 625 feet below the surface 10 miles off the Kamchatka Peninsula, but an admiral said the supply should last until the end of the rescue.

The Russian navy made contact with the crew late Saturday, and the Pacific Fleet commander, Adm. Viktor Fyodorov, said their condition was "satisfactory" despite temperatures of 41-45 degrees inside the vessel.

"They're not giving up hope," he said in televised comments.

"I assure you, work is continuing without interruption through night and day and will not stop until we actually lift our guys up to the surface."

It wasn't clear if contact was made by radio or by some other means, but officials said it was taking place every few hours.

Capt. Igor Dygalo, a navy spokesman, said two ships had worked a cable beneath the sub as it lay snagged in an antenna array that is part of Russia's coastal monitoring system. Officials initially said the sub's propeller was snarled by a fishing net as it participated in military exercises Thursday.

Dygalo said rescuers hoped to raise the sub to a depth of at least 165 feet, which would allow divers to reach the 44-foot-long AS-28 and help the crew swim to the surface.

"We won't try to drag it anymore; we will try to lift the whole system, rip it off and bring it to the surface," Fyodorov said earlier after a failed attempt to drag the sub into shallower water.

The vessel had moved only about 60 yards before the dragging gear broke loose.

There was no word on whether the Russian ships were having any success lifting the sub and antenna array, which Russian news reports said was held down by two concrete anchors weighing 60 tons.

The U.S. and British rescue crews flew in with their Super Scorpio robotic vessels Saturday morning and began loading them aboard ships for the trip to the accident site 50 miles south?

Last edited by lilly on Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:42 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

from Alicia
It was so nice to see Lilly and Constantin again and experience this together and to share this with everyone.

The San Diego ocean water at La Jolla Cove was so unbelievable emerald green as if you were looking at an aquarium. It seemed like I was at some resort in the Yucatan peninsula and at some point I thought I was dreaming. And to add to this wonderful experience is for us to see 4 or 5 dolphins swimming straight toward where we dropped the orgonite was incredible. We have a lot to thank our friend, the Pelican, for being such a teaser and detaining us until the dolphins were in sight. Lilly and I tried to telepathically communicate with the Pelican to open its beautiful beak wider so Constantin could take pictures. He did open it several times but would immediately close it and he was teasing us and detaining us, but now we know why?.he wanted us to stay a little longer until we could see the dolphins come for their orgonite. This was an incredible experience for us and I know that anyone who gifts the ocean will have the same experience. We even gifted the ocean water with TBs also, but we made sure that the edges were smoothed out and for the metal not to stick out so it wouldn?t harm the cetaceans when they carried them away.

We need to gift the ocean. This was a wonderful confirmation.

--- Alicia
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