Astral Travel Tools of Awakening...reawakening of true spirituality... discovering the power of healing... increasing inner peace and serenity...
Astral Travel Gem Elixir


Astral Travel -- Projection --Transcending the 3rd Dimension -- experience Unity with Divinity

During Astral travel we can transport our consciousness to other locations, without taking our physical bodies there, because our consciousness exists separately from the physical body.

Benefits of astral projections include decreasing fear of the unknown or death, so we could open and embrace the 'unknowns' in our lives without fear.

The Astral Travel Gem Elixir is a combination of gems and crystals of high vibrational divine essence.

When you use this gem elixir, energies are transferred from physical levels to higher vibrational levels to help to:

* go beyond limits to other planes of existence, facilitating safe astral travel
* awaken and accelerate spiritual and psychological growth
* stimulate intuition, sensitivity, imagination, vision
* enhance telepathic communication
* help manifestation
increased self-confidence and overall well-being
* access pre-determined sites and
contact departed loved ones
* assist in dream recall
* accelerate the transfer of knowledge
from spiritual beings, guides...
* have a better attitude and appreciation for life


The combination of gemstones and crystals are high quality stones which help one reach into the spiritual realms beyond words.


How to use Astral Travel Gem Elixir:

Spray over your aura (energy field), your space before meditation or prayer, healing or astral work.

Another great way to absorb the elixir is to place a few drops in your bath water or mix them into your body lotion.

Place a drop over your third eye, throat center and each wrist before laying down.

Play meditative music and make sure you will not be disturbed,
as a deep level of relaxation is required.

You might experience strange sensations:
elongating or rotating of the body, tingling, vibrating etc.
Don't let these sensations distract you, just BE, enjoy the experience,
let it be a spiritual travel.
At some point it is possible to fall asleep.
With experience and practice you will manage to stay just awake.
In this state, images will flow freely through your mind's eye.
You can then project into, follow these images at will and travel to places you want.

Astral travel (projection) affirmations:

"I can astral travel (project) easily."

"I am very gifted spiritually and I am having a very safe and pleasant astral travel".

Use your own words that resonate with you.

Recite your affirmations 3 times as the number is very powerful.

Astral Travel Gem Elixir


(including s&h anywhere in the US only)
see more information for international orders

***All Gemstones Elixirs are for external use only***

For greater results we suggest to use Intuition Orgone Pendant



Safe and blessed astral travels! ~~~

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intuition affirmations download

Disclaimer:The information and products contained on this website are for research purposes only and should not be construed as medical recommendations for any disease or symptom. It is not intended to provide medical advice. We do not diagnose, treat or cure medical conditions. Consult the appropriate healthcare professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.
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