Abundant Blessings,
Every year, on August 8th a gate of consciousness into higher realms is opening.
It is called the Lion's Gate which connects us to the star nations to raise consciousness of our planet.
On 888 (August, 8th) Portal/Gateway of Abundance and Prosperity is opening.
New Codes of Light enters Earth and New Codes/Frequencies are activating our physical body and subtle bodies.
Old stagnant ways are not working any longer; old systems are dying or crumbling.
Destructive emotions and negatives such as force, lack, fear, control are being dissolved and New codes of Light (Love, Heart, EmPowerment, Joy, Mindfulness, Peace, Abundance, Prosperity) are taking over.
It is TIME!
This is part of the mass awakening and is not an easy one.
However once we have a deep understanding of these New Energies we stop resisting.
Instead we start accepting, allowing, making conscious adjustments.
This makes awakening process more pleasant.
There are windows in 'time' when Awakening Light New Codes are activated.
888 - (Aug, 8th, 2024) is one of these awakening windows.
Conscious Wealth is the way where the world is heading to.
Our creative nature is being activated.
Creativity means abundance and that leads to conscious wealth.
The big corporations which were build on greed and profit only, without serving
from the heart are dissolving.
Intend for NEW Conscious businesses based on heart and Love
to replace the soulless corporations.
The change though starts with you and me.
We have to change our perspective, as we are moving into the New Aquarian Age.
At times fear and resistance might surface. Understand it is normal,
but be assured that these negative emotions are just part of the transformation.
Ask Spirit to guide you via meditation, awareness, focus and prayer or any spiritual practice
you chose in order to align with these new coming energies.
Number 8 is an amplifier
It magnetizes everything.
Imagine the energy of a triple 8 being amplified.
Number 8 has its destructive nature like any symbol of power.
However that will take place only if we use force or we are not aligned with the higher purpose.
8 has its constructive nature if we focus on being of service, being love, sharing love and heart,
and when we are aligned with higher purpose and creativity.
Love is the main ingredient in the 888 New Portal.
8 is the marriage of Heaven and Earth.
It is the symbol of infinity, the never ending love story, infinite possibilities.
8 is the number of wealth, confidence, finances, abundance, power, passion, strength, accelerated manifestation.
It is associated with the Leo sign in astrology and Sun energy.
Leo has an exciting and optimistic signature; it is all about fire, passion, love and heart.
It is the number of the leader. The world needs conscious leaders more than ever.
And because you are reading this, you are thinking about leading consciously from the heart.
Maybe you are afraid.
Fear not!
You came to this Earth with a great and graceful mission.
It is time for you to discover it and act on it.
The entire world needs you right now.
In my awareness working with these new coming energies, I asked Spirit to show me the message
about this powerful Portal.
The message showed up the very same day.
While I was driving from a beautiful gathering where I lead a yoga class in nature,
I saw this plate number '888 LOVE'.
I couldn't help but take a picture because it was such a meaningful answer to my question.

LOVE is at the base of being abundant.
Abundance is a state of mind and if we are in a higher vibration of love and heart abundance,
financial freedom, great relationships and health happen organically.
Number 8+8+8= 24 and reduces to number 6 which is about healing, beauty, harmony,
passion and the very essence of who we are.
6 is the number of healer, nurturer, loving being.
888 ~ tapping into our abundant nature while we are healed, loved and nurtured.
~Abundant Blessings,
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