Ultimate 'Shirt Technique' ~ Orgone ~ for great sleep and amazing healing

Orgone clears earthbound ghostly spirits energies

This is a communication with someone who acquired a protection pendant for her daughter who was struggling with low energies coming from spirits trapped in a morgue.

"Hello - My name is X.
I am a very happy repeat customer. Earlier this week I received the Protection Orgone Pendant as a gift for my daughter.

My daughter is a sensitive. She is empathic and often also sees spirits. Unfortunately she has not been able to master self-protection very well and therefore often suffers with fatigue, energy loss, infections, colds...etc.

She works in a building that used to be the morgue for state hospital patients when it was a mental institution. She has been there about x years and her health has suffered. I ordered the Protection orgone pendant hoping it would help her.

She has only had it three days now. She feels it has helped her already at keeping the energies at bay, but is having a difficult time with an odor that is coming from the pendant.

It only happens when she is at work, not at home or elsewhere.
She now keeps the pendant in her pocket instead of wearing it as it helps a bit. Do you have any insight on this? Thank you very much. X"

Dear X,
Thank you for your email and continuous support.

It looks like your daughter is super sensitive to energies.
She needs a lot of protection as she is dealing with powerful low vibrations. The pendant will help her very much. The odor she smells might come from the low vibrational debris that the pendant is clearing at that place. As she is so sensitive (gifted) she can actually smell "low vibrations" energies coming from the trapped souls.

It looks like there are quite a few souls trapped in that place and she has a hard time dealing with the energy that keeps that place in low vibrations.

She can keep the pendant in her pocket for now until she feels good about wearing it around her neck...
It will strengthen her energy field. It might take a while though. Ask her to have patience.
I would suggest some orgone around that area as well as some cleansing with sage, incense, holy water... etc.

Sending her healing vibes...



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Hi Lilly,
Thank you very much for your advice - you were 100% correct!
The odor has lessened and my daughter feels much more comfortable.
Thank you,


Ghosts or Earthbound spirits are disembodied people who have remained attached to the physical realm that did not move into the light after their physical bodies expired.
Ghosts are lost souls, no matter how nice the ghost may seem.
When the body dies, the spirit of the person should move unto the light, where loved ones and a feeling of peace, love, and joy are experienced. Departed pure and clean spirits may visit loved ones for different clean reasons and may become a spirit guides, or messenger (angels). Clean spirits are of light and come from the light.
Earthbound spirits (ghosts) are not of light, they are lost souls and are in darkness. That does not necessarily mean a ghost will have ill-intent, it simply means the condition of the disembodied spirit is unhealthy.


We have recently had another customer saying her pendant was giving out a bad odor. Prior to purchasing the pendant she asked me how can I help her as her daughter and grandchildren did not want to communicate with her any longer and she was suffering badly.

I recommended the heart chakra pendant to open her heart to love as I felt there was judgment on her part she was struggling with.
When she got her pendant she was saying the pendant had an "offensive smell".
This is really not what most of our customer experience; in fact they mention the heavenly smell as most of our customers have a beautiful energetic field and heart.

So what happens when heart is closed and filled with darkness or negative thought forms the pendant will start cleansing the heart and energetic debris that is trapped in the heart and aura. The effect might be an unpleasant smell which is of individual shadow.

However if there is no resistance and heart opens the offensive smell will turn into a beautiful pleasant smell or not smell at all...
Patience is crucial, as healing crisis might not be so pleasant, but when darkness cleared out, healing takes place, magic happens...

Namaste, Lilly




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