Juice Fasting - My experience
Fasting is not only about cleansing the body, it is also purifying
the soul and spirit.
a long time, having the knowledge
of juicing benefits, I wanted to put it into practice and
do a juice fast to clean/purify my body, giving it a rest from
digestion, eliminating toxins.
My goal was to also get closer to the Source, so I prayed and
asked for strength to complete a 8 day period of juice fast (fresh
vegetable, fruit juices and water, no solid foods).
However I managed
to fast for 6 days but 3 days after breaking the fast I ate only
raw food and had fresh juices.
cannot describe the appreciation I had for every single fresh
juice!!! Ohh… they taste so good, I haven’t noticed
such a great taste before.
Pineapple, melon and peace combination
was so yummy... not to mention tomatoes, zucchini, garlic, basil, green pepper -Yummmmm…
I juice mostly organic, so
the smell was and taste was heavenly good.
I juiced lots of carrots, beets, celery, cabbage, greens, strawberries,
watermelon, grapes, blueberry. I tried to rotate them so I could
get benefits from all. |
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I was worried that I would get dizzy, weak, loose
weight (didn't need to). I worried I couldn’t be able to do it.
However I put my faith in
God and that helped me big time.
If any negative thought or
fear popped into my mind, I would switch to "feeling good", "health"
and "happiness" mood.
I did loose weight but I didn’t look ill,
I knew that after this fast I will regain it.
For the entire period I was fasting I noticed becoming more sensitive.
First 3 days I noticed an increase amount of energy; I exaggerated
my workout where I shouldn’t but it felt so amazingly good. On the forth day
I started to feel a little week, but had a good feeling at the same time.
The whole period of time I prayed, meditated,
asked for guidance and thanked God, Universe, higher self for
making me stronger.
I said “thank you” hundred if
not thousands of times/day. I had a deep understanding of gratitude
and by practicing, it kept me connected with the powerful, wonderful
Faith is born out of gratitude, I had what’s called
“unwavering faith” that I would attain more wisdom,
more healing and psychic abilities, getting more spiritual, purifying
my soul and body.
My creativity and inspiration improved.
My prayers got stronger during the fast and after.
I noticed a sense of peace and serenity greater than usual.
frequency of love stayed longer with me than usual.
I noticed being less tired, better sleep, also sleeping less,
maybe because digesting heavier foods makes you sleep more.
Few days after breaking the fast, I noticed clearer
I had a wonderful experience in one of my meditation meeting my
departed sister and father,
communicating with me via tremendous
Quite a few emotional issues from the past cleared
funny thing I noticed on the first day I started to eat solid
I could feel the food traveling inside my stomach, a sensation
I’ve never felt before.
I don’t remember all the benefits, but I do know that I
feel better, cleaner and more spiritual.
Hope you find it inspirational to try a spiritual juice fast and watch the benefits unfold before your spiritual eyes.
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