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Hiking is GROUNDING - The benefits of hiking

~ Hiking connects you to Mother Earth, keeps you grounded, sane and centered ~




At Juniper Peak, one of the many scenic hikes in Red Rock


It relieves stress, is a great workout, you get to meet great people, making new friends and have a lot of fun!

Hiking is considered an active meditation, great for people that cannot quiet their minds. It has been known that who you are in this present moment is the result of five years of your own thinking. Do you want to change that to bring out the best of you? Then change your thoughts:feeling good is what makes have great thoughts.

No matter what you do - “FEEL GOOD“!
We have approximately 60,000 thoughts a day. Can we monitor them? No way! The only way to take control over of our monkey mind “chatter” is to stay in the present.

Yoga and hiking keeps you in the PRESENT moment, in the NOW! When you hike you are totally THERE (in the NOW), because you have to focus on the next step in front of you. The nature has the power to keep you in the NOW: no complaining, no negative thoughts, no psychic pollution (mind chatter). I haven’t seen a miserable hiker during hiking yet!


The mountains have masculine energy and tremendous powers. Oceans have feminine energy, more subtle, more intuitive.
There is also a lot of cleansing and detoxing happening when you hike: the trees, the rocks, the earth cleanse all negativity in the mental and emotional body that reflect as pain and tension in the physical body. Being in the mountains you get empowered…

I try to be in the nature- hiking at least twice a week, it keeps me in the present moment, away from the stress and pollution of the large city. It recharges my batteries, keeping me sane and connected to Mother Earth.

, if not the most important thing we can do for our health. Sensitive people, intuitives, healers, light workers and mostly women are not grounded because of the tendency of functioning more from the upper chakras… so GROUNDING is the answer!!!
When I do not hike I wear my feet chakra balancers -orgone keeping me grounding during the night when we become more vulnerable in our astral travels. Yoga is also important in keeping us grounded, in the body, present, balanced and healthy.

Las Vegas is more then casinos: it has beautiful powerful mountains around the valley and you can hike all year round: Red Rock - amazing beautiful mystic powerful place that holds a lots of secrets and Mount Charleston where there are few vortexes that I have sensed during hiking. The Mountains also have their own secrets and usually if you go on exploring less popular trails/hikes you can absorb more of the powers of the mountains.

If you want to hike in Las Vegas and the Southwest and really absorb the high energy of the mountains I suggest this GREAT online guide featuring the best hiking maps for trails and routes around Las Vegas and the Southwest.
Branch Whitney the “hiking guru and hiking authority of Las Vegas” found and documented hiking routes from easy family hikes to mountaineering routes that are not known to the public since 1995!!!

Stay connected with Mother Earth - she takes care of us always!

Happy hiking,



Being silly at Bridge Mountain- Las Vegas with great people,
having a lot of fun

Victory Yoga Pose with my favourite mountain behind at Machu Picchu PERU





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