Challenges - Opportunities To Evolve
The shift into the new year of the Dragon 2012 came in early for me. As strange as it might sound I had an upgrade that was not so pleasant for me, in fact was quite a challenge, perhaps the biggest of my life.
It happened on January 14th, 2012. The numbers of this day add up to number 11.
Dec 21, 2012 adds up to 11.
We'll see a lot of 11 numbers this year.
Number 11 is a powerful number, a master number - double 1, double awakening, double new beginning.
If the meaning we give to this type of energy is constructing, uplifting we'll find the sweetness and deep meaning in everything. If we look at it with negative eyes, than it will turn into nightmares.
This is what happened: I fell on a hike which I gratefully survived. It was a long way down, it wasn't pretty. Honestly it's a miracle to be alive and with nothing broken, no head injuries except 4-5 bumps (I keep discovering new ones everyday) and many large bruises and scratches all over my body, bad pain in my back - now feeling better, a severely sprained ankle - not very good looking, because we had to keep hiking for about two more hours after the accident.
The words 'helicopter rescue' were non existent in my vocabulary at the time.
My guides kept telling me to keep moving before the darkness would come. My fingers are burnt from the rope I was holding when I fell, but they are healing.
When I got home I spent about half hour looking at myself in the mirror crying and releasing all that had to be released. Old energies were releasing and new ones embraced.
The friends who I was hiking with are angels in human form, we got to know each other on much deeper levels. They helped me descend through a few more challenging spots that involved ropes but we manage to get out of the canyon safe. I love my friends!!! I love all my friends!

Pain is breaking of the shell that hides deep understanding…
Attending to my fingers wounds took in the beginning more than an hour per session: learning how to use my non dominant hand, using my mouth and the good leg to bandage my wounds. It is in fact fun, very meditative. Let me tell you after bandaging each finger I felt such a success and found myself celebrating, laughing by myself ‘YAY-ing!!!’ and such.
The MD who checked me suggested I should go to church, pray and give thanks as this kind of miracles are rare. I was very lucky with the urgent care people that were amazingly nice to me.
Lessons learned: very deep appreciation for my life, my friends, husband, acceptance, deep understanding, pace myself and listen to my spirit guides, dreams and spirit closely. I had a dream the night before the accident and dreamt in detailed about the accident.
Could I have prevented it? Probably yes!
I was precisely guided and supposed to wear my dragon pendant that day but I didn't. I could have done so many things to listen to my guidance, and I can go on and on. There is a deep knowing in my spirit that allowed this to happen. It might sound really strange but at some level I have in fact allowed it to happen to learn my lessons and grow. The important thing for me is how I responded to this: instead of blaming, complaining or nagging I just accepted the challenge that really made me took a quantum leap into my spiritual growth.
I truly accept it with great responsibility as a feedback. In fact as strange as it might sound it is an upgrade to a new spiritual level and as my good psychic friend Linda says, it's a "rite of passage to my natural gifts", a rebirthing into my new consciousness.
What happens in the world with all the Earth Changes are an inevitable side-effect of giving birth to a new consciousness and we'll see more of these signs. I am not saying you have to go through terrible times and suffer in order to grow, learn and evolve, but observe challenges in your life and accept them as a way of expanding your consciousness, they are windows of opportunities.
As a result of the 'non accidental accident" I have found value and strength, more knowledge, more wisdom, compassion, appreciation for life and others. The word 'safety' has a totally new meaning to me. Angels, God's messengers and my spirit guides were the ones that saved me on the spiritual level, no doubt. I saw angelic pair of hands carrying me throughout the entire fall. Exercise and Yoga saved me on the physical level, positive attitude saved my mind and kept me sane and for one second I never thought about dying. Definitely my soul became stronger and more powerful.
The gratitude that fills my heart cannot be expressed in human words.
Why am I being so transparent and vulnerable by sharing this?
My heart tells me to and I hope you are learning from my experience...
I want to be very clear: know when what you are experiencing is a spiritual death-rebirth nature, and not a psychotic break.
No matter what happens in your life see the beauty and treasures hidden under darkness and suffering.
If you cannot change the circumstance or events you can change the way you perceive them.
Something is difficult only if you perceive it as difficult.
Knowing and having faith that we are always protected and assisted by our spiritual guides, angels, God is such a relief. Angels encourage us not to blame ourselves or others, instead be responsible, contemplate what is going on in your life, adjust and continue.
Challenges are opportunities to evolve: it requires you to face and not run from your issues.
Without difficulties is hard to be humble. Times of difficulties are also times of freedom and realization.
We are continuously tested and tried and if we respond well to these tests we acquire new gifts, powers, strength, patience and fortitude.
The great sufi poet Rumi wrote:
"Grief, can be the garden of compassion.
If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally
in your life's search for love and wisdom."
While I am typing this still with bandaged fingers and smiling I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your ongoing support and also want to thank all my valued friends for their patience when I had to cancel and reschedule their healing sessions due to my own healing process.
Happy, Safe and Joyful Journey!
Lilly Natures Blessings