Woke up this morning smiling, feeling a lot of joy because my hiking friends, big horn sheep were calling me!
I love going to sleep as I step into my comfortable dimension, the dimension of spirit where everything is magic if we allow it to be. And more magic happens when I wake up knowing that I have powerful messages awaiting for me. Life is a continuously transformation. We are always “under construction”.
I got ready and off the trail for my fitness hike! Lately I have been very busy helping people transform their lives through energy healing and orgone spiritual jewelry so I hadn’t much time to go hiking. Today however I had this huge urge to work out but from my higher level of consciousness.
As I started to run on the trail I heard “them” (bighorn) with my psychic sense… Immediately I felt my energy expanding and heart center tingling powerfully.
“We are here I heard“… so I replied: “ Where? I don’t see you but I feel and hear you, you seem really close to us.”“Just look up!“ So I did. Here they are in their magnificence and splendor! The entire family of sheep beaming high energy at Constantin and myself. I got chills just tuning into what was “happening”!!
I felt so present in my body, so in the moment. Whenever we are in the moment, the information is transferred fast to the spirit, life becomes blissful, miracles happen!
While having a delicious cellular experience I continue my telepathic communication with those lovely powerful animals. “Do you guys have a message for me, WHY did you call me today?”I hear: “The only challenge in life is YOURSELF” Woaaaa !!! and then downloads (messages) kept coming…
The only challenge in life is …yourself… nothing else is more challenging…not your parents, not your piers, not your partner, not others, absolutely no one. I kind of knew the concept logically but to experience it in such an organic environment made me “get it “ at the cellular level… Challenges won’t come from others but the self… it’s our mind that sabotages us all the time, just observe it… no need to blame or point at anyone or anything for your life… Ahhhh…
There are no coincidences, no accidents, there are only synchronicities. In order to see them you only have to open your heart and see them through your loving heart, otherwise life is boring, is dull is heavy, dense… It feels so much better when that dense energy transforms into buoyancy and we tap into our highest potential where things just happen the way they suppose to…Constantin and I started yelling in a loving and passionate way: “I love you guys!” many many times and off we went on our trail running/hiking.
Power (spirit) animal - Totem Animal
What is your power animal?
A power animal is the spirit energy of the animal on the earthly plane. The animals represent the sub-conscious mind, giving the information about the energy held. Any living creature (including trees or plants) can serve as a spirit animal.
On my spiritual path I have encountered many animals from Hawaiian spinner dolphins to the magical hummingbird in Peru. Each and everyone of those beautiful powerful animals have medicine powers and knowledge that shared with me what I needed to learn at that particular time. Bighorn sheep keep showing up for me for quite a few years and the more I see them the more my connection with the desert and ancient native American strengthens and renews. All bighorns have excellent eyesight; their field of vision ranges from 160-306 degrees with a slight turn of the head. They share and teach about balance, endurance, strength, new beginnings and Power.
Close your eyes and tune into the power of this animal, and feel its vibration attuning you.
To discover your own totem animal you can ask for a dream and see if anything comes up. If you start seeing one animal frequently that would be its way of revealing itself to you. What is their significance and what is the important message to you ?
Synchronicities teach us to pay attention to the hidden messages in everyday experiences. So… Going back to my powerful spiritual workout…
As I was running I felt a pain like a needle was piercing my foot. “There must be a cactus needle I though… I am not gonna stop!” Then again I had that sharp sensation in my foot.
What I did was to tell myself that every time I would feel that I would replace the pain feeling with the pleasure affirmation : “I am ALIVE”… I started to smile every time that sharp piercing in my foot was happening, as I would scream, “I am alive“! The vibration of big horn sheep was staying with us all the way until we finished our over 6 miles of trail running. I kept pondering on the message received the entire hike and when we got back to our car, Constantin told me that I beat my own record. A few times I wanted to stop but the message kept coming brighter to my mind, was thinking this is the way to evolve, grow , expand… by challenging yourself and allow yourself to understand the challenge and go with it instead of fighting it…
So… I dare you to try it...
challenge yourself for 21 days into declaring and recite these mantras:“the only challenge in my own life is myself” and when an obstacle, challenge shows up into your life declare out loud (if possible) with passion and intensity: “I am alive!” … every time a challenging or unsupported thought comes to your mind, acknowledge it and tell your mind : thank you for sharing and then yell out loud: “I am alive!” imagine yourself being alive and breathing life into your system… any imagination is powerful. In fact imagination is more powerful then knowledge!
Open your arms away from the body in freeing the heart chakra (energy center) when you shout the mantra I am alive will even fasten the vibration of feeling so good. It is also amazing to do it when you feel dull, depressed, upset.
See what happens after 21 days of focusing on this…Spiritual growth happens when your focus on yourself. Your mind/brain will readjust itself into thinking, feeling, seeing power, beauty, divine… It might happen faster as frequency of the entire planet vibrates so fast and everyone on the planet goes through deep transformation, no one, absolutely no one is exempt! The only way to vibrate higher is to align with this vibration, accept it, be it!
Ask yourself a question, be honest to yourself: Which category do you belong to: “Doers” or people that talk about doing? People that start a project and complete it or the category of people that only complain about others or things that prevent them from expanding or achieving their life purpose?
“The only challenge in your life is yourself…”
Much love,
Lilly |