Brain respiration for mind control


Few nights ago during bed time prayer, I had a psychic vision, a huge satellite antenna sending signals towards the sky. The image kept staying in my inner eye for about 10 seconds. I prayed for an answer and after I finished praying I got it.


Antenna looks similar to this one, except it’s more solid

This huge antenna has to do with changing people’s moods, thoughts, behavior, reading minds, etc. in other words MIND CONTROL.
The antenna sends out frequencies to satellites and from there they are beamed back to certain places on Earth, (people and towers) one of the reasons being mind control of the population.

Going into an altered state I asked my higher self what people can do to counteract these sort of programming (beaming).
I got two words “oxygen” and “brain”. What is happening is that these frequencies are aimed for the brain mainly, destroying the level of oxygen in the brain, “frying” the brain. Mind controlled people have their brain dead or semi-dead, because their brain lacks oxygen. What’s happening when ones oxygen is cut? He/she dies, same with the brain, in time it will die.

I meditated/boosted on these words further and got again two words: “brain” and "respiration”.
Interesting!!! Well… brain needs oxygen in order to function properly and efficiently.
In fact the whole body is breathing: the cells, blood, internal organs, so the brain.

The meditation led me to this technique:

- Get centered in your heart - always before meditating
- Relax your body, muscles and mind
- Let go all your fears: send all tension and fears into the universal garbage bin
- Breath deeply and gently

- Visualize your brain, you can look at the picture of a brain if that’s hard to visualize it.
If you have difficulties visualizing just “think” brain or specific parts of the brain

-Bring the flow of energy through your crown (top of head) into the right brain
Visualize or “think” fresh oxygen and life force from the universe, entering the right hemisphere. Take your time.

-Slowly move to your left brain and do the same: left brain

Bring fresh oxygen to the bridge between the two hemispheres, imagining a balance between the two “brains”.
Note: if you have a map of a detailed brain in your mind including hypothalamus, thalamus, cerebellum, amygdala, etc, then go ahead and bring fresh oxygen/energy into all parts of the brain. If not just keep it simple: left, right brain and the bridge between them.

-Finally become friend with your brain, send loving energy towards the whole brain.

-Smile and say it in your mind or out loud these sort of affirmations:
“I love my brain”
“My brain is oxygenated”
“My brain is healthy”
“My brain works efficiently”
“I am in control over my thoughts.

One needs to be persistent and patient in order to achieve results. I have a strong feeling this technique will work on Mind controlled people.

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