Plexus chakra Orgone Pendant is a powerful energy booster which is designed
to help:
* remove fear and inhibition
* promote concentration
* increase energy levels and drive to succeed
* promote success and optimism, dissolving apathy
* facilitate personal empowerment and will power, increasing motivation
* encourage confidence, stability, truth and spiritual growth
* reduce depression and stress
* increase the ability to identify problems and find solutions
* promote clear thinking, integrity, authority, respect
* enhance mental stability, creativity, memory
* repair DNA damage
* balance yin and yang energies
* promote good digestion
* strengthen the immune system and nervous system
* stimulate all organs, balancing the body’s functions
essential oils, herbs, high vibrational gemstones and crystals, blessings, prayers, sound frequencies
and powerful
charged holy water chosen for the solar plexus chakra orgone pendant
have a powerful resonance with the frequency of the solar plexus

pexus chakra affirmations:
I am good to myself.
I am at
I am strong.
I am confident.
Courage flows through me.
What people have to say about Solar Plexus Chakra Orgone Pendant
"Oh my God! The new orgone goodies (solar plexus necklace and clairvoyance pendant) are amazing! hahahaha Thank you so much! They are beautiful, and I feel like I am in my body more than I ever have before, and I can concentrate much better on given tasks. M"
"Yay the solar plexus pendant came! Thank you so much, it's so stunning it's amazing a real mandala. I have it hanging in the sun when I need to take it off, been wearing a few hours and will take some adjusting, it's magnificent I love it and its really powerful joy and sun energy! thanks again XX"
"Hi Lilly
I tried your solar plexus pendant (orgone).
The first two days I felt intense
energy not only in my solar plexus but all over my body.
I feel it
helping in reduce bloating and gases.
Just want to ask is the root chakra pendant can actually rise the Kundalini?
Regards ~ A"
plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
(including s&h anywhere in the US only)
see more information for international orders