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Christmas in Sedona - regifting trip

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:36 pm    Post subject: Christmas in Sedona - regifting trip Reply with quote

Sedona (Arizona) is known as the new age capital of the planet - the midpoint between Baja and Yellowstone, situated on mayan ley line, site of a possible UN base.
It is famous for its red rock celestial display, vortexes, energy, beauty.
I am sure Sedona has been gifted before because when we gifted Sedona three years ago, Constantin and I saw orgone generators placed at Airport Vortex and Boynton Canyon vortex.

As Sedona is one of the most powerful energy centers in the world, I am sure the bad guys want to harness this energy for their own purposes. So? Constantin, our friend Cristina who visits us and myself decided to spend Christmas and regift Sedona, this time with special gifts.
I dowsed a map and found the most important places which needed special gifts (vortex unique companions I like to call them).

I meditated, asked my higher self and dowsed to find out what gemstones and crystals each vortex needs. Strong charged zam zam water was added.

Day 1

Hoover Dam

On our way to Sedona we had to pass through Hoover Dam. Two years ago we gifted the dam from our little zodiac boat. We had company when we approached the dam. A patrol boat came from behind, stopped and watched us. No, they didn?t intimidate us.

This time as we approached the dam, I started to get nauseated.
The energy was so bad that I literally threw up. Constantin felt the bad vibes as well. I had a flash of an ?underground base? under the dam, in fact a reptilian base. Anyway Hoover Dam got regifted. When we returned from our Sedona trip, energy felt a bit better. Hoover Dam still needs orgone, boosts are always welcomed.

Bell Rock Vortex

It has a brilliant beauty and the energy at this vortex is very powerful-a portal type of energy. We actually felt it from the base of the rock. The vortex strengthens the feminine side, masculine side and the balance.

The unique vortex companion made for this vortex asked for a large Herkimer diamond which amplifies energy and creativity, bloodstone which brings alignment and smoothes the energy flow, aventurine which has excellent balance powers and other stones and crystals. The vortex asked for balance stones.

As we arrived at the base of the rock, the three of us could feel the powerful energy, mostly in our hands. I felt an intense surge of energy: the vortexes? energy pushing me strongly and then pulling me towards the vortex like a magnet. I immediately had a very clear vision of the top of the Bell rock sliding away, like a doorway opening slowly. I got the words ?capstone slide?. It feels like a portal opening. Cristina had the same feeling. The "portal" is not on the earth plane, it?s interdimensional where it allows for admission of beings, spirits and UFO?s from other dimensions.

We visited Sedona twice, and we?ve seen huge chemtrail jets spraying without much luck.
The chemtrail spraying program is to prevent the populace from accessing 4th , 5th dimensions. However the more you are able to access other dimensions, the 3rd dimension realm will not affect you.

Cristina and I meditated for global health at the vortex. Both of us felt tingling waves around the center of the body and strong opening in our solar plexus chakra. I had a vision of the mountains moving slowly from side to side.

During our meditation, Constantin took pictures of us and we were pleasantly surprised to actually see energy (ectoplasm) and orbs around us when we later looked at the pictures.
Orbs are believed to be manifestations from the Spirit World. Many people believe that orbs in the pictures are refraction of lens and light. However some sensitive people and psychics can see them with the naked eye.

We have psychically seen blue and purple colors at this vortex- on the lower left you can see the exact colors we?ve seen psychically at this vortex

Orbs around Cristina

Close up ?orbs?

UFO sightings are common in Sedona at Bell Rock

Spaceship Rock

Taking a look at this rock I had a vision of dead people spirits. Later I?ve found out from a woman I met at the Airport vortex that there were native indians suicides happening at this rock.

To be continued.


Last edited by lilly on Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:35 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cathedral Rock Vortex

The energy at this vortex strengthens the feminine side and things related to this side: kindness, receptiveness, compassion, patience.

As we were traveling towards Cathedral Rock, Cristina and I felt pressure and strong pulsations in the forehead and eyes. The third eye chakra was opening. I felt a surge of energy moving up and down inside my body, activating my chakras, in particular the third eye and sacral charkas. The energy was very strong at the base of the rock and as we were hiking, the energy smoothened.

Constantin and Cristina gifted this vortex as they really needed to get in touch with their feminine side. I asked the rock if it needs my gifts (I had extra gifts) and I got a ?NO? answer. I tried to gift the rock in spite of the answer received and the result was I hit my head on the tree. Next time I will listen to my higher self.
because NO means NO.

The unique vortex companion which Constantin gifted, had a big crystal with baby crystals (parenting crystal) , smokey quartz - a stone which grounds spiritual energies, relieves fear, neutralize negative energy, malachite which brings subconscious wisdom, peace, protection, healing, peridot and green fluorite which are healing stones.
Cristina offered the vortex a dolphin ball.

Cristina and I meditated at this vortex for healing/cleaning the planet, lifting the matrix veil. Interesting enough, Cristina?s veil lifted up and she attained etheric sight. It was the first time she saw a human aura. She could see aura and energy emanating from the Rocks, something similar with clouds emanating from the rock structure. She also saw the rocks moving in slow motion, a similar vision I had at the Bell Rock vortex. She gifted the vortex and the vortex gifted her with etheric sight.

I saw purple swirling energy emanating from the earth while my higher self kept communicating with me receiving personal messages.

Twisted tree at the vortex

The powerful forces of the vortexes (vortices) affect many juniper trees which have severely twisted trunks and branches.

The Chapel of the Holy Cross is a Catholic chapel -the Chapel got "blessed" as well.

Sunset at the chapel

Airport Mesa Vortex
As we were heading towards the airport I had a sharp pain in my left temple coming from the towers at the airport. Towers and the Masonic Lodge at the airport were taken care of.

The Airport vortex asked for an orgone companion made with upper charkas soothing and calming stones, probably because the vortex strengthens the masculine side and it needs balance. The vortex companion needed blue lace agate, lepidolite - a ?stone of transition? which brings cosmic awareness, moonstone - a feminine stone associated with psychic abilities and other soothing stones.

We all felt strong energy in our hands, I felt my feet tingling strongly, like electric current was going thru my feet. I felt my first chakra opening.
On top of the rock - a place where you can see all four main vortexes, my body started to vibrate strongly and had a very funny bouncing sensation inside my body, the energy was moving up and down very fast.

Here we met a psychic woman, which I bonded very well with. She told us many native Indians committed suicide at the Spaceship Rock and she didn?t like the energy there. I told her that I had a vision of spirits of dead people over there. Glad we gifted that place. Because we bonded so well she chose to gift me instead of gifting the vortex, she gave me a nice pine tree cone. During that night in my sleep I was present astrally at the Airport vortex.

We all felt very energized and after few hours of hiking and good gifting, we finished the day having a yummy Mexican dinner.

To be continued


Last edited by lilly on Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


We started by hiking the Devil?s Bridge trail.
Devil?s Bridge is the largest natural sandstone arch in Sedona area with heavenly sights. We really enjoyed the hike and the vortexes vibes except the top of the mountain under the Arch where Cristina and I became suddenly very dizzy.

Devil?s Bridge Arch

Cristina and I meditated for global peace. I kissed a dolphin ball good bye after the meditation and offered it to the vortex while Constantin got busy hammering and earth pipe.

I was getting that theDevil?s bridge arch was under a witch spell so we worked to undue the spell by replacing the devil name with God, from now on it will be called God?s bridge.

Cristina saw a rock resembling the Romanian rock called ?the sphinx? and she got a connection between this rock, the Egyptian sphinx and the Romanian sphinx, perhaps a ley line connection.

"The Sphinx"

Twisted tree at God?s bridge

God's bridge Arch

Next trip: Boynton Canyon vortex, deadman pass trail, RedRock secret mountain

Boynton Canyon is considered by some to be the most "electro-magnetic" and most powerful of the four vortexes in Sedona. It is my favourite vortex and the view at the top is magical, feeling absolute freedom.

At the base of the mountain I felt pressure in my temples. Like other vortexes this one received an unique companion, a dolphin ball and few other strong gifts. It sems like there is a lot of underground stuff going at the Secret Mountain.
There are reports of a joint-operational underground city and facility under the Enchantment Resort in Boyton Canyon, where clone-like men in black have been seen, along with unusual electromagnetic vortex phenomena. Black military helicopters have been spoted in the area.

This wonderful vortex asked for an orgone companion made out with 5 double terminated crystals and lots of garnet- an energizer stone which brings serenity and balance, (Red garnet represents LOVE).

Cristina and I mediated focusing on earth healing and after a few minutes we could hear birds chirping happily next to us. Cristina chose a meditating spot next to a tree and a few minutes later birds parked on the tree chirping very happy.

Cristina meditating at Boynton Canyon

I chose a spot where I became one with the rock. I took my hiking boots off to get grounded, and immediately felt an energy shift, my whole body started to vibrate strongly. I saw violet-purple spiraling energy emanating from the earth and got the message where to place my gift. It was an awesome loving energy I was experiencing. After I offered my gift to the vortex, I heard a bird squeaking.

Lilly meditating at Boynton Canyon

Twisted Tree at Boynton Canyon

?Black helicopters have been sighted around Boynton and Secret Canyon near Sedona, Arizona (THIS WEBMASTER'S COMMENT: I have physically seen the Black Helicopters in Sedona as well as unexplainable other lights at night in this same area !). A man living in Long Canyon has sighted a lot of strange things in the canyon areas, and residents suspect a secret government installation has been established in, of all places, Secret Mountain! One of my investigators hiked to Secret Canyon late one night and was stopped by a voice on a loudspeaker and a laser-targeting light on his chest. He was told he had entered a restricted area and to turn around and leave.? - source:

To be continued


Last edited by lilly on Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Soldier?s Pass/ Devil?s Sink Hole/ Seven Sacred pools

Devil's Sinkhole

Cristina and I experienced the same pain and pressure in the temples as soon as we got on Soldier?s pass trail. We followed the energy and we saw the Devils? Sink Hole. Energy was not good and we both got dark ?portal? energy. We gifted the big Hole which is around 30-50 feet. Right in the middle of the hole there was a big tree, and as soon as Cristina blessed the hole with orgone, we could see the dark energy being released. Cristina said it was an unhealthy ?yin? type of energy.

The symbol of the moon is also ?yin?, notice the moon symbol on the rock on soldier?s pass

I added a few more gifts and we felt some relief although the energy was still stagnant. I had a "meteorite" vision creating this hole long time ago.

Seven Sacred pools

Colorful orbs at 7 Pools

We were comparing the 7 natural pools with chakras and we decided to meditate on earth charkas. The energy was purple all around us and Cristina and I could see the same hour glass (DNA structure) type of energy emanating from the earth. There were some personal chakras unblocking happening while meditating and again we?ve been visited by birds. We've noticed lots of birds on our trip trying to communicate with us.

While meditating I got the message that the three of us have to go back to the Devil?s Sink Hole and send (boost) a lot of energy and prayers in order to close the portal.
The ?power of three? holding hands closed the portal. I felt a strong push coming from the hole and then a strong magnetic pull, while my whole body was vibrating. We felt a huge relief and saw the swirling energy sinking into the earth in a spiral motion. As I opened my eyes I saw rays of energy emanating from the mountain. The ?hole? got healed and our head pressure ceased.

Cow Pies - Schnebly Hill Road

This vortex asked for an orgone companion made with heart chakra stones: chrysoprase - a stone which brings balance, stability, higher consciousness, a heart chakra energizer, aventurine - which shields from vampirism of heart chakra, jade - a purifier, and other heart center stones.

The energy was not so strong comparing with the previous vortices but I felt a huge relief after I blessed the vortex with its orgone companion.
Cristina felt there is a connection between the Cow Pies and Planet Mars.

There were three deer showing up on our way to Cow Pies vortex

Schnebly Hill


We left Sedona and headed towards Grand Canyon.
On our way to Grand Canyon there was a car behind us and the one(s) inside the car sent nasty beams towards our car. Constantin and I had a sharp pain in the head for a few seconds until we boosted back and the car finally passed us.

There were lots of tourists on the South Rim and the energy didn?t feel as good as Sedona?s, probably because of the large numbers of tourists. Constantin and I gifted Grand Canyon two years in a row and this time Cristina had to give her blessings to the Canyon.

On our way back to Las Vegas, we passed again through Hoover Dam and did some more gifting, energy improved a little, but more orgone gifts, boosts and prayers are needed.

I noticed that my etheric sight, telepathic and healing skills increased since I came back from Sedona. Cristina attained etheric sight, increased her intuition and got a few charkas balanced. We gifted the earth and the earth gifted us in return. What you put out it will come back to you.

Wonderful psychic and gifting experience.

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